Tagged Again XD

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I'll get you back, Rosewood, just you wait XD its_so_skye and I decided to make up my own questions to spice it up 🤗
Rules: no tag backs allowed and you have to do this or I will awkwardly glare at you until you become uncomfortable

1. What're your favorite emojis? (If you can even have emojis XD)
🙂🙃🤑🤔🤓😬🌚🌝🌜🌞🌛🤘🏻🖖🏻⚫️ (maybe even the middle finger one XD)

2. Horror stories or mystery novels?
Ugh, probably mysteries because I love going along and solving the crimes like Sherlock Holmes XD

3. Favorite TV show?
Teen Wolf or Sherlock or Doctor Who

4. Favorite band?
All Time Low, 5 Seconds of Summer, Sleeping with Sirens, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Panic! at the Disco

5. Favorite solo artist?
Halsey or Troye Sivan

6. Donuts or ice cream?
Ice cream :P

7. Favorite OTP?
Michael Clifford and Phil Lester XD Miphil forever GabbiFromDoalim

8. Favorite fictional character (male)?
Sam Roth (Shiver book series) or Stiles Stilinski or Scott McCall oooorrrr Jim Moriarty

9. Favorite character (female)?
Hermione Granger or Lydia Martin or Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock)

10. Future daughter's name?

11. Future son's name?
Heyseuss– no I'm kidding XD Isaac or Sam or Levi

12. Favorite word?
Flamboyant or Kitsune (Japanese for fox) I like the way they sound XD

13. Favorite book (series)?
Shiver, Harry Potter or The Maze Runner

14. Favorite movie?
Mamma Mia! (The musical oops XD) or the Maze Runner movies

15. London or Paris?
London (Tipton)

16. Favorite food?
Pizza, ice cream, Carmel Milky Ways, Reese's peanut butter cups, oml I could name so much candy, nUTELLA

17. If you could live in any time era, when would you live?
Ooh the Victorian Era. V pretty clothes but I bet it wasn't comfy XD

And lastly,
18. If you became president, what would you do? (You can answer in the comments if I don't tag you)

I'd have all my favorite bands give me my own private concert, I'd eat Nutella a lot, I'd solve the minimum wage problem, I'd put a lot of effort into solving world hunger, and I'd have Luke Hemmings as my First Lady.

Ok now to tag some victims– I mean uh...friends. Or colleagues. Whichever you prefer XD

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