Ch. 10: Princess

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Arabella's POV

I gasp as I wake up to thunder roaring and lightning flashing outside of my balcony. My room is pitch black and the rain is beating against my balcony doors. Still, this isn't as bad as the nightmare I just had, because he was in it. He was trying to get to me again.

"I'm not done with you yet." His angry words echo in my head.

"Lady Arabella?" I hear Leah's voice but don't see her until the lighting illuminates my room again.

She is sitting at the table in the corner, looking at me with concern.

"What are you doing here? Are you okay?" I ask, sitting up and beckoning her over. 

"Just couldn't sleep. Plus it doesn't rain much here, so a late-night storm is a beautiful thing to me." She says, stopping in front of my bed. I tap the bed beside me and she climbs in, looking thankful. "We are supposed to check in on you at night anyway."

"It is quite beautiful." I agree. "I'm glad you were in here."

"Anytime, Arabella. Anytime." I smile and pull her in for a hug. I never would've thought my maids would become so dear to me.

"Long day tomorrow, Leah. I have to meet the princess. We better get some sleep." She nods in agreement and goes to climb out of my bed.

"You can stay if you like, listen to the storm until you fall asleep."

"Barbara would never approve." She says, smiling. "But thank you. Goodnight Lady Arabella."

"Goodnight Lady Leah."


Bright light wakes me up. For just a moment, I think I've died, but I realize it's Barbara opening my curtains. The rain has stopped, but the wind is still crazy outside.

"Good morning, Barbara."

"Good morning, Lady Arabella. Leah and Anne have run your bath and are waiting for you." She says, walking over to my closet to get my dress for today. I slowly get out of bed, cringing when my feet hit the cold floor. I dash to the bathroom, where the heater is on and a hot bath is waiting with lavender and rose pedals. 

"Oh my god, that looks so relaxing," I say, causing Anne and Leah to laugh. I shoo them out, bathe, and get out, putting on my robe in place of my nightgown. 

As soon as I pull the drain, my three girls are in here, shoving me into the chair as they get me ready to meet the princesses.

Leah curls my hair and Anne does my makeup. She contours my face then puts fancy-looking eye makeup and burgundy lipstick on me. They pull me into the bedroom and I'm cold again. I don't mind, though, as it wakes me up a bit more. It somehow helps ease my nerves a little, too.

Barbara helps me into my day dress for today, a beautiful dress that fades from purple to navy blue to gray. It's got a touch of elegance with delicate beading. Anne slides some gray heals on my feet as I pull on my necklace with my name on it.

"Lady Arabella?" Sophia asks, stepping into my room. I stand and walk over to her. "Ready?" 

"Yep." With this, I follow her out into the hall, and she leads me to the first floor, where we stop in front of a set of double doors.

"We're doing this all before breakfast. The quicker you are, the sooner you eat. You're the first girl to meet the princess. Don't forget your etiquette. You got this, Arabella." She encourages, knocking on the door before rushing off. 

I curtsy immediately, as it is Princess Diana who opens the door. She bows her head, and I stand properly. 

"You can just sit wherever." She says with a soft voice, gesturing around the room. 

The room is big and warm, with a fireplace in front of a big couch. A stereo in the back of the room is playing hip-hop music quietly. I walk over to the couch in the middle of the room as gracefully as I can, waiting until she sits to do the same.

"So, what do you like about my brother?" She asks softly. Everything about her nature just seems so soft. Nonetheless, I still fight a blush at her question. She notices it and smiles.

"Well, I like that even though he is a prince and the future king, he is the most real person I know." I can tell she likes my response, and I continue because it's all the truth.                                  "I like how I can tell when he is being his natural self, or when he is going into prince mode. I can read him well, I mean. I love how playful and hilarious he is, but that he still knows how to be serious. I love how gentle he is, yet so determined. I really just love everything about him, even his flaws." I say, shrugging my shoulders as if this was all only fact. My face is hot, my heart is racing, and I don't have the nerve to look up at the princess. When I finally do, I see a huge smile on her face.


I walk into the Dining Room to see only the royals, aside from the princess, and Elizabeth in their spots. I curtsy before walking over to my spot and sitting down. There is only an empty cup for my tea at my spot, which a maid quickly fills for me. 

"Thank you," I whisper to her as she walks away. She smiles and keeps going.

"Are we waiting on the others before we eat?" I ask Elizabeth.

"I think so. How'd it go with the princess?"

"Good, I think. Diana and I are kind of really good friends now." She looks at me with big eyes and I laugh maybe a little too loud.

My laugh catches Carlisle's attention, as well as the queen's. I look down, fighting the rising heat in my cheeks. When I look up again, only Lyle is looking at me, and he has a huge smile on his face. I feel myself blush even more, so I smile and turn back to Liz.

"How'd it go with you?"

"Diana seemed weary of me, but was really nice. I don't think she liked me..." Liz says, a frown on her beautiful face.

"Well, they aren't choosing a wife for him, so it doesn't matter anyway. Your hair is beautiful, as are you. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise."

"Thanks, Ar. Love you." She says, pulling me into a hug.

We go back to small talk, joking around, and drinking our tea. Soon enough, the girls are all in their seats, including the princess, and we are brought our breakfast. 

After I eat, I walk through the halls until I finally find the Music Room. I go over to the piano and start messing around with a tune that's been stuck in my head lately. 

I end up having about half of a song. You'll never guess where I got the inspiration...

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