As I said it I felt sadness take over me once more at the thought of actually going through with it and leaving it all behind. Nikki didn't say anything for awhile, she seemed to be thinking.

"I cant believe you were going to do that Mia.." she whispered and I looked up from the grass at my feet.

"I mean I really get you had insecurities about the Jenna thing but to just leave everyone in the world who cares about you at your engagement party?" she shook her head.

"Yeah thinking about it now, I don't know if I would've been able to do it.."

"You lost 8months of your life because of it Mi, I'm not trying to judge but I'm also not going to lie to you. I mean all of us were barely functioning without you, we had to lie to the media about what was happening to get privacy. But the one who suffered most was Roman.
So many things are making sense now, he always used to say how it was his fault, that once you woke up you'd hate him. He didn't say it right out though. I'd drop by your room and he'd be there just talking, crying... It killed me more seeing him like that and now you're just shutting him and everyone out this entire week yet again, when we just got you back? I get that you are dealing with shit, but right now you are really being selfish. We didn't know whether you would make it and now you're being like this... Its wrong Mi..."

She looked at me.

"No one else is going to ask you about it, don't worry about that. We're under strict orders by your fiancé to pretend none of it happened. But unlike the others I'm not afraid to tell you like it is and you know that. Please just stop isolating yourself, if not for the rest of us. For Roman, cause all he wants is you to be happy and I'm pretty sure deep down he still blames himself and carries that guilt so just stop being selfish Mi..."

I wiped the tears that had fallen due to her words and once I looked up at her I saw her tears had fallen too but luckily she had sunglasses on.

"I'm honestly sorry for everything I put you guys through. I wish I could go back and change what I did but I cant. You are right, I shouldn't use my shit as an excuse .. You guys have been there for me through everything and I made you all suffer so much. I don't know.. I guess returning to the spotlight was just overwhelming and I needed to breathe and clear my head. Thanks Nikki.."

I leaned over and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry for being a bitch but you needed to know..." she whispered and I smiled as I leant back.

"I know"

She was right, regardless of everything I was being selfish yet again like I was many years ago and it was all his fault.

He wanted this, wanted to not only have the power to destroy my life but let me do it all by myself as well.

"Enough of this... Are you ready for Sunday?" she smiled.

"Yes I am ready to kick your ass at Hell in a Cell!" I gently kicked her and she gasped.

"Oh really? Mrs overwhelmed!" she gripped my arm into a hold and I laughed as I brought my leg to hook around her head.

"Ow bitch okay okay!" she tapped against it and I let her go as we both laid back laughing.

"Is everyone in New York?" I asked as I knew they had flown out for a live show.

"Nope they're flying in on Friday I think, I'm off from live shows this week.."

"Let me guess, once they realized Roman wouldn't be with me , they decided to give you off so you could babysit me" I sighed as I sat up.

"Yeah and they were clearly right in doing so, you looked like a wreck earlier this afternoon when I arrived and now look at you! I was just what you needed to make you cry and make you happy" she smiled brightly and I laughed.

"You're so conceited sometimes! Come on, lets head to the gym I need a good workout" I jumped up and she followed.


I know many of you probably wanted some Roman in this chapter, but I figured some girl time was needed. I mean everyone needs a little Nikki Bella in their lives!

Hope you enjoyed the updates xx

...But Am I His Jane? (  COMPLETE ) *SEQUEL TO HE'S MY TARZAN...*Where stories live. Discover now