Chapter 1

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"Wait, so you're telling me I get to work for the President?...Of the...United States?" I ask again, still in shock.

"Yes, Scarlett. You are perfectly qualified for the job and it's not like you're directly working for him, you probably won't ever see him in person."  
My current boss says in a serious tone, obviously tired of my excitement.

"Okay well when am I suppose to start?" I ask him.

"There's a flight to D.C. at five o'clock tonight." He says and pulls something out of the binder sitting on his desk. "Here's your ticket. Be at the Capital building at 8 AM tomorrow morning and they'll tell you what to do."

I grab the ticket from his hand and jump up to hug him. "Thank you so much Julio! I couldn't have gotten this far without you. You've been like a father to me." He hugs me back firmly and I wipe away a single tear from his face.

"We'll miss you here, little one." He says with a small but sad smile.

"I'll miss you guys too, just call me if you ever need anything. I'm sure I'll be back to visit." I give him one last kiss on the forehead before waking out with my ticket in hand.

It's 11:30 now which means I have time to pack a suitcase and tell my mother that I'm leaving. I haven't lived with her since I was 17 and don't speak to her often but I still think I owe her a goodbye.

I pack my nicest outfits and load up my car. Seeing my mother is brief and disappointing, as always. My father found out that she cheated on him and he left her and so did the jerk that cheated with her. She ended up alone, as she belongs.

The airport isn't as busy as I expected and the flight only lasts an hour and a half. Julio set up a hotel for me to stay at for the first few nights, which I am beyond grateful for. I don't feel like messing with having to find one. I call a taxi from the airport and give them the address to the hotel.

"Here we are." The driver says and I gasp as he stops in front of the Jefferson Hotel. It must have cost Julio a ton to book three nights. He is the boss and owner of a big company and has helped me out a lot through the years so I assume he has a little extra money to spend. I pay the cab driver and step out into my new life.

The hotel is huge and beautiful. Once in my room, I kick off my shoes and lay down. I try to not get too stressed out about the new job but I can't stop thinking about it. It's May, 1961 and I've got a job working for John F. Kennedy!


I drift into sleep and wake up to a loud beeping alarm on the table next to the bed. I roll over and hit it until it turns off. Today is the day I start my new job and I couldn't be happier. I shower and pin up my blonde hair before choosing a business like dress and heels. I decide to do a classy makeup look with winged eyeliner to make my dark blue eyes stand out a little. Once I'm satisfied with my look, I go to the phone and dial the number for a cab.

I wait for a little bit, luckily I got ready early. The phone sitting on the night stand rings and I pick it up immediately.

"Miss Scarlett Tanner?"
"This is she."
"Your cab is waiting downstairs."
I thank the lobby worker and quickly go down. I tell the driver to take me to the Capital building and within minutes I am there.

I pay him and walk into my destiny. The interview goes well and I'm asked to start working today.

"Where are you from again, Ms Tanner?"

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