Chapter 7

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After we get done with the test drive she goes back to working the desk and asks me if I want to go get drinks tomorrow after work.

Once I return to my room I head to the telephone on the side table by the couch. It's red and you have to spin it for the numbers. I get into my purse and find the personal phone number that John gave me.

I spin the numbers and nervously bite my lip while I wait for an answer.

"Hello?" A woman's voice calls over the phone.

This was a big mistake.

"Hello, is John there?"

"He's in another room, who is speaking? I can get him or leave a message."

"It's Scarlett, I'm the new secretary. Who is this?"

"Oh, Scarlett! It's good to finally talk to you. This is Jackie Kennedy, John says so many good things. You sound really qualified for the job."

Jackie? I'm talking to John's WIFE right now? This can't be happening. I should have never called.

"Scarlett, are you still there?" She asks.

"Oh, yes. Sorry. Thank you so much and it's nice to speak to you as well. I don't need to leave a message I'll just see you and John tomorrow. Thank you for your time."

"Oh no problem, honey." She says and hangs the phone up.

She seems very nice there is no way that I can have any form of relationship with John I don't know what I was thinking. I need to return everything back to him.

I decide to take a bath in the new tub and try to relive some stress. Once I am done I go into the bedroom to find pajamas but find something a little more interesting.

There are three drawers full of lace night gowns, satin night gowns, and lingerie. All of them are white or a light shade of pink. One on the very bottom is bright red. I choose a satin pink night gown and slip it on before laying on my big bed. I look over and notice another phone in here on my night stand.

I think for a little about all that has happened to me since I moved here and I still don't feel like it's real. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and this will all be a dream...

4:37 am

I wake up to the phone next to my bed ringing. I roll over to the other side to answer it. Who would be calling right now?

"Hello?" I half-ask, half-say.

"Scarlett.." I can hear heavy breathing on the other end and I can already tell that it's him. It's John calling me.

"Yes, John?" I say back to him.

"Oh, your voice is so lovely." He breathes.

"John, what time is it?" I ask, tired and ready to sleep again.

"Time doesn't exist. It's just a concept." He says slowly, drawing each word out.

"Is there a reason you called? I'm very tired." I sigh.

"You called me earlier.." He says with a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

"Yes I called, I spoke to your wife. I just wanted to say thank you for everything but it's far too much and I want you to take it all back." I say.

"I figured you would say that. It's all yours, though. I can't take anything back, it's all under your name now. Just take my gifts to you." He says lazily on the other end.

Mr. Presidentحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن