1. Beginning

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Gif - ∆ Madison Beer ∆ × Aspen Fuhler

Here's the first chapter!


Chapter 1. Beginning

Have you ever had someone that meant the world to you?

Have you ever done something more than you should for that someone?

Who am I talking about?

My best friend, that's who.

Who's my best friend you may ask?

Kaden Jacobson.

And this is our story.

September 4, 2012
Lakeview Elementary
2nd grade (7 yr), 3rd grade (8 yr), and 4th grade (9 yr)
7:30 a.m.

Chattered between little boys and girls were all over the place. People greeting each other from their long summer break and teachers greeting students and how their summer treated them.

A little boy around my age ask everyone's popular teacher, greeted her, "Hello Miss Lilly!"

Miss Lily smiled at the little youngster with her bright smile. She was a beautiful blonde with light milky skin. I always wonder why she wasn't married yet. "How was your summer Riley?!"

I toned out their conversation and darted my eyes to these girls that look like they had on makeup far too soon if you ask me. The wannabe follower ask this pretty blonde girl with hope in her eyes, "Want to be friends?!"

I guess she said yes since the girls were screaming up and down. I don't know what made them turn their eyes to me, but they did. The two girls that look like they were my age, laughed at me on the bench, "What a loser! She is so ugly."

"I know right! She doesn't have any friends."

She rolled her eyes at the two, "That's because she is the new girl." Then they begin to laugh again.

I just got here and they are already making fun of me. I've done nothing wrong to them. I have never seen these girls before. What gives them the right to make fun of someone that they don't know nor keep your thoughts to themselves. Did their parents ever told them; if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it at all?

I looked at my fisted fingers that was in a tight fist, while I nibble on my bottom lip to stop my whimpering. I was a very emotionally girl, as my mother would say.

I didn't really wanted to move here but my parents thought that moving back to where they fell in love and to see their friends and family, would be good for us.

It was never going to be good for me though.

This was my first time not having a class with my twin brother, Hayden. Since the beginning of our birth, we never separated. We always stayed together and played together, like everyone thought twins do when they are around each other.

But now, I feel lost, scared, and alone. Hayden doesn't have the same class as me and he at recess, he didn't even want to play with me because his friends said that I had cooties.

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