"Show yourself!" Nik shouted. That's when I started laugh it was a sadistic, dangerous laugh that sent shivers down you're spine in terror. I stepped out of the shadows and walked towards the dining area.

"Honey I'm home" I smirked staring at the gobsmacked face of Niklaus. He was frozen in place, a terrified expression overtaking his shocked one, it gave me a warm feeling to see him scared.

"Angel" he breathed shaking off his shock and terror.

"Oh Nik, I'm no longer you're angel, I've now become your worst nightmare" I sneered Nik gulped not taking his eyes off me.

"Who the hell are you" the curly headed vampire spoke looking lost.

"Allow me to introduce myself" I spoke walking around the table swaying my hips seductively. I stopped beside Marcel.

"I'm Thyra Mikaelson, the original wife to the original hybrid, well ex wife as of late but I'm also mother to your true king Marcellus Gerard" I spoke all the vampires gasped, no doubt hearing about me.

Marcel informed me he had told everyone about his mother, as my portrait was the only one from my family still handing in the abattoir. Nik had painted it centuries ago; he had painted one of each of us (Elijah, Bekah, himself and Kol) to hang in our new home. I had insisted Marcellus be included in my portrait, that's probably why Marcel never took it down.

"Everyone meet the woman who made me into the person I am today, my mother" Marcel grinned standing up pulling me into a hug. I kissed his cheek as he sat back down.

"I see you two have already been reacquainted" Nik snapped.

"You didn't think that after a century of thinking my son was dead, I wouldn't come to see him as quickly as possible" I glared from the top of the table, Nik still stood beside the wolf at the other end.

"Now I believe there are more important things to discuss my love" I told Nik but my eyes weren't on him they were on the wolf whore. The brunette met my eyes gulping at my icy stare.

"Thyra, I can explain" Nik pleaded, walking towards me.

"Explain what, that after I asked, no begged you to come with me you decided to jump into bed with the nearest harlot" I laughed pouring myself a glass of champagne.

"Love" Nik tried.

"Don't bother Niklaus, I don't care" I shrugged.

"You see love I've made a decision, because we where married over a thousand years ago it would be impossible to get a divorce, so we'll have to do this verbally. You and I are no more, we are done, through, over, terminated" I stated coolly but on the inside my heart was breaking yet again, but I had to do this it was the right choice.

"A thousand years together cannot be over just because you say so love" he laughed off.

"I didn't end us you did, the minute you had sex with that tramp into our bed, and got her pregnant" I glowered.

"Its not like I planed it Thyra" he roared.

"But it happened. I'm done with you and this sham of a marriage, you Niklaus Mikaelson are dead to me, you are no better than the dirt I walk on, I feel nothing for you except disgust" I said coldly.

"Mikael was right about you, you are a curse on this world" I taunted. Nik looked as if he had been staked in the heart, I had never been so callous with him, but then again he had never done something so unforgivable before. He was shocked, his blue eyes filled with tears, he looked at me as if I were a stranger, usually I would regret such cruel, hurtful words but I wanted to cause him even a fraction of the pain I had endured because of him.

"Now you" I pointed at the wolf, she looked like deer caught in headlights. I pushed past a hurt Nik and walked to stand in front of the woman who had been the cause of my ended marriage.

"Everyone else may have forgotten your misdeeds but not me, you are the reason that every hybrid except the Lockwood boy is dead, you helped them then sent them off to the slaughter, all to find yet another family that didn't want you" I laughed cruely.

"Fortunately for you I have a rule against harming children including unborn ones, but once that little bundle of joy is born, I will be more than happy to take all that happiness away. I will cause you so much torment that you will beg me to end you're pathetic life and don't think my family or anyone else here will save you, because lets face it the only reason your still here is because of that little bump" I sneered. Tears flowed down the wolf's face but I didn't care I wanted her to suffer and to fear me.

"Now I'd advise you stay out of my way for the next few months. If you see me walking you walk the other way, if I enter a room you leave, you will not speak to me unless I give permission, got it" I growled. She nodded her whole body shaking as she looked at me in pure horror.

"Good now get out of my site" I dismissed her. The girl was out of her seat like a light, she ran up the stairs and out of my sight within seconds, obviously taking my warning to heart.

"Now if you'll all excuse me I have to unpack, but I do look forward to knowing you all individually, my Marcellus speaks very highly of you all" I smiled, the vampires looked uneasy probably because of my little show with the wolf and Nik. I nodded to them all and preceded towards the stairs, Marcel stood up and escorted me, and he had on a bright smile obviously enjoying my Klaus takedown.

"Niklaus I hope you weren't to comfortable in you're new quarters after all I designed the room, so its only right it belongs to me" I smirked. Nik just looked at me not saying a word still to shocked at what I had said to him. When Marcel and I got to the top of the stairs I stopped and leaned over the balcony.

"Oh and another thing Nik, enjoy your reign as king of the quarter"

"Is that a threat Thyra" he ground out, his voice husky due to unshed tears.

"It's a promise" I said blowing my ex a kiss.


A/N You all happy??? So you've seen a fraction of Thyra's anger. Next chapter she'll meet Davina and be reunited wit Elijah and Rebekah.

*Important notice I've decided to make my chapters for all books slightly shorter. My reason is so that I can update my frequently.

Also head to @thefanfictionawards and nominate my books if you think my stories are good enough it would mean a lot I love you all!!!!

Thyra's outfit above ^^^




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