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The darkness I'm used to seeing,

Has now brightened into a huge world,

I'm so small,

People are around me now,

They're much bigger,

I feel,

I see,

I hear,

I smell,

I taste,

I smile,

I cry,

I'm alive,

I exist now,

But did I exist before?

Why am I alive?

How am I here?

Do I want to live?

Yes, no, maybe, so?

It's too much for something so small to take in,

My dreams and fate weave together,

I can't seem to separate the two,

It's too confusing,

I want to die now,

Yet I want to live,

Nothing makes sense,

But yet it does,

The sun is rising,

Now it's setting,

Another day has passed,

Closer to death,

Closer to life,

Will I live?

Will I die?

Just thinking about that makes me so gloomy,

Singing a long song written in blue ink,

My tears spill out,

But I don't know why,

I'm only an infant,

Just trying to figure out how to communicate with the world around me,

Now the days have passed,

I'm only a child,

Begging to go on the merry-go-round,

Time has passed once again,

In a continuous, non-stop, sequence nobody can stop,

I'm only an adolescent,

Yelling for some respect when I'm showing none to others,

The sequence continues,

I have a crying infant of my own that's now alive,

On and on,

Will my life be taken away?

Or will I be spared for another day?

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