We will see about that

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I knock on the door of the sidemen house with difficulty. I stand out in the cold hearing the others debate over who's going to open the door.

When the door finally opens I see Simons smiling face, "Pass the pizza."

"Took you long enough." I laughed as I handed him the pizzas, "And free your calendar tomorrow I've made plans."

"Really Vikk." He said as I shut the door, "Are you sure about that as I've made some as well."

"Mine are better."

"We will see about that." He smirked, "Pizza!"

JJ, Josh and for some reason Ethan came out of different places in the sidemen house.

"What did you get?" JJ asked opening one of the boxes Simon just placed on the table, "Yeah meat feast."

"I got a pepperoni and a four cheese one as well."

"Cool." Josh said picking up a slice of the four cheese pizza.

"Pizza and chill." Ethan laughed and Simon winked at me.


I really shouldn't let Simon aways get his way. It's really fun I give him that but I want a chance. It's not as if I can just say that. Simon would think I'm being needy and he made it clear if any of us start to get attached then we stop this. No falling in love, not getting attached and of course no strings attached.

It's perfect... For Simon. Me on the other hand is falling in love, is getting attached and really want it to become more than just two friends having sex. I know he wouldn't allow it. If he finds out the whole thing stops and our friendship would be ruined.

I enjoy the fun we have. I enjoy every minuet of it but I want something more.

"Vikk?" I hear a knock on the door and Josh's voice, "We're going are you ready?"

"Yeah give me a second." I grab a random jacket and put my shoes on before following Josh downstairs.

"This party is going to be sick."

"Yeah." It won't be much fun, Simon isn't going to be their.


Why did I agree to it.

Why did I agree to all of this.

The party. The sex. Everything that's happened since new year. I rarely regret things but this whole year has been full of mistakes and regrets.

I make my way away from Josh and get to the corner of the room and sit on the floor. I start shaking trying to ignore the noise.

"Vikk?" I look up and see Ellie standing their looking concerned, "Are you crying."

I wipe the tears I didn't know where falling down my face and nod my head.

"What's wrong." She asked sitting down next to me.

"I just don't want to be here. I want to go home." I sniff and Ellie gave me a quick hug.

"Why don't you go?" He asked.

"Josh is my ride."

"I will drop you off home." She said standing up and holding her hand out to me.

"Really?" I take her hand.

"Yeah go and find Josh."

"Thank you." Me and Ellie walk around trying to find Josh.

After a while we find him talking to Jamie (random name) in the kitchen.

"Hey Vikk." Jamie smiled.

"Hey Jamie." I turn to Josh, "Ellie's giving me a lift home."

"You sure." He gave me a funny look and I nodded, "Okay then."

"Let's go." Ellie said and we make our way out the party and to her car, "Sidemen house."



"I can't thank you enough for this." I say as she starts to drive.

"It's fine."

Authors note


Hugs, kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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