Chapter 17

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Two weeks later..

Mirajane's POV

I was washing some dishes when I hear gasps. I turn around and see Lyon kissing Juvia. I look over at Gray, who seems upset, and I laugh at Gray's reaction.

Lyon and Juvia are a cute couple. I knew from the day after the battle that Juvia choose him. I guess the rest of the guild found out today.

Lyon left his old guild two days ago, officially. Master Makarov made him an official member of Fairytail this morning.

Juvia walks over to me holding Lyon's hand and I smile at their cuteness. I ask them,"What is it that you need?"

Juvia replies,"Lyon-sama and Juvia are going on the mountains mission." I nod my head and they walk off. Gray comes over to me, wanting beer and I say,"You should like Lyon more, he's a Fairytail guild member, so he'll be around a lot. Besides, Juvia chose who she wants. Cheer up, Gray."

Gray looks up at me, nods in understanding, and runs after Lyon and Juvia. That boy sure does get into a lot of trouble.

Gray's POV

I run after Lyon and Juvia and yell,"Hey! Wait a minute!"

They stop and turn around while I catch my breath. I say, out of breath,"I'm sorry. I was a jerk to both of you. Juvia, I want you to be happy. And Lyon? Can we just be friends?"

Lyon looks up at me and offers a handshake. I shake his hand and he says,"I would like that. Just don't try to steal my girl away again."

I laugh and look at Juvia. She says,"Juvia accepts your apology. We would be great friends. Would Gray like to become a team with Lyon-sama and Juvia?"

I smile and nod my head. Then Lyon says,"Well, we better hurry, the train will leave soon."

Our eyes all widen and we run to the train station, laughing. I truly hope Juvia and Lyon are happy together and that I find happiness in this new friendship.

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