Chapter 2

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Juvia's POV

I woke up in a great mood. I really did have fun with Lyon-sama last night. I get up and eat breakfast, and someone knocks on my door. I open it up to see Lyon-sama. He starts blushing like crazy and stutters,"Uhh, I-I didn't know t-that you wouldn't be out of your n-nightclothes yet. I-I am sorry."
Then he looks away from me. I didn't realize I was still in my nightclothes. "Uh, come inside Lyon-sama. Juvia is going to change in her bedroom real quick. There is some tea prepared on the table, Lyon-sama can help himself." I then walk off to my bedroom to change.

Lyon's POV

I can't believe I had to come early. Now I feel like I invaded her privacy. She did look adorable in her pajamas though.
I walk over by the table and grab a cup from her cupboard. I then start to pour some tea and drink it. Then Juvia walks out with her hair curled at the ends and she's wearing her normal attire. She looks amazing anyway.
"Why did Lyon-sama come here?" she asks. Oh yeah, I forgot my purpose for coming here.
"I came to pick you up to go the park." I say. "Oh, Juvia forgot about that. Should we leave now?" she asks in a really cute voice.
"Yeah. I have lots of fun things planned." I say. I start to leave and she follows me. Once we were at the door, I grabbed her hand and kissed it. She blushed a bit and I smile. I then offer her my arm and she loops her arm with mine.
We walk to the park arm in arm, and I take her up to a guy selling balloons and let her pick one out. She smiled brightly and pointed to a blue one. I gave her the balloon and we walked towards the surprise I had set for her.

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