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"I'm sorry to hear the news, we'll miss you." My manager spoke while I signed some papers. I was officially retiring from boxing for good this time, I would never go back to professionally boxing. Instead, I decided to become a trainer, like Niall.

I really did love boxing but I wasn't cut out for the fame and the drama. I had a family now, I didn't need to travel and fight people. I wanted to be a good example for my children and my manager completely understood that; as did Niall.

"Thank you for everything." I shook his head and turned to Niall who stood with Bambi on his hip and Oliver at his side.

I smiled to myself while looking at my family. I was the luckiest man alive, I really was. I was blessed with such an amazing family; amazing husband and children.

The years had been a wild roller coaster, they really have been. In a matter on 7-8 years I've battled drinking problems, identity problems, my sexuality, my mother, my father, finding love with Niall, building a life with Niall, all the drama and the fame, getting married, having kids.... I would have never guessed that this life could happen to someone as ordinary as me.

Niall mouthed, I love you, and I walked over to him, grabbing his hand and kissing his lips softly. Bambi and Oliver both made grossed out noises and Niall laughed.

"I love you guys." I smiled at my family.

"Harry?" I turned around at the sound of my name.

"One last paper to sign." I nodded and signed a release form and shook everyone's hand one last time before I left with my family.

"What do you guys say we go out for something to eat?" I said. The kids cheered wildly and ran for the car while Niall and I locked hands and walked slowly in peace.

Everything was going to be okay now. We didn't have to worry about Chris, we didn't have to worry about money any more because we were going to figure everything out.

"Have I told you lately how lucky I am to have you?" I said to Niall.

"You only tell me every five minuets." He joked.

"Well it's true, I am so lucky to have met you."

"We really do have the best love story if you think about it..." Niall said.

"We do. Hey, you should write a book about our love life!" I joked.

"Who would even read that?"

"Anyone who's into gay porn."

Niall shrugged his shoulders and I began to laugh.

"Maybe I will then."

"I changed my mind." I said bluntly.


"My mother would be all over that and I do not want her reading about our sex life."

"Maybe I can write it just for us to read it?"

"Sounds good, baby."





That's why this chapter is shitty and short.


Okay so my beautiful little hippies I want to thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much for everything because I would never have wrote any of the books I've written if it weren't for you guys.

I think about you guys all the time and I am so blessed to meet you guys and talk to you all the time. I love talking with you guys, it's so fun.


Don't be sad that this fanfic series is OFFICIALLY OVER bc I am a writer and writers never stop writing....

It's a gift and a curse.

Anyways, I will have new stories up soon. As of right now, the only one I have up is "escaping Woodstock" which is not a fanfic but it is a cool book and I advise you guys to check it out.

And keep and eye out bc I will post more Narry fanfics in the future most likely bc I'm Narry AF and I can't stop.

Love you guys so so so much and I'll see you soon :)

"What a long strange trip it's been" -Every hippie in the history of hippies


Lullabies for Styles (Third book)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें