character ask

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Q: How do you feel considering you told niall you started drinking and the fact that he might beat your ass ..... again (-:

A: Well... I am glad I told him I've been drinking again. Like I said before, I'm not an alcoholic or anything but with my drinking history... I think it was just a shocker to Niall. But I hate keeping things from him so I am glad I told him. And I don't think he'll kick my ass... although I wouldn't mind him spanking my ass... ;)

Q: so... you want to explain to me why you started drinking? considering you almost died

A: Boxing is stressful, I love it but the fame is stressful and with everything that's happened with Chris I just decided to turn to liquor.

Q: when you started drinking did you stop to think about what could possibly happen in the future?

A: Not really, I was just so stressed I went for it and didn't think about it. I just wanted to wind down.

Q: Why u drinkin boi ??

A: I guess I wanted to be beyonce

Q: why did you decide to start drinking after what happened last time?

A: I can have a drink, I haven't drank in like... years. Plus Daniel and I are cool now so I don't have to worry about him kicking my ass again.

Q: Why did you go back to boxing? It almost ruined you last time (I need and job and love boxing doesn't count)

A: Well shit... then I'm out of answers.

Q: Will you tell Niall about how you're feeling instead of drinking

A: I will now...

Q: Would you stop drinking for your family and Niall

A: Of course

Q: What did you and Daniel talk about in the bathroom

A: We kind of just stood in the urinals for a while so we could avoid the date

Q: Harry how far would you go to keep Niall and your family safe and happy

A: I would do absolutely anything

Q: How do you think Niall will act towards you now that you told him you've been drinking again

A: I hope he takes it lightly and helps me instead of getting mad but Layla is always full of surprises so we'll see I guess...


Q: honestly you and Harry should do it in a public bathroom one day just sayin lmao

A: Is that a question?

Q: would you stop Harry from boxing considering the fact that he's drinking again?

A: I can't stop Harry from boxing. I can ask him to and tell him I don't want him to but in the end that is his decision.

Q: how do you feel about Harry drinkin again ??

A: Um... well it's not the best news I've ever received... I feel nervous.

Q: Marry me?

A: You only want me when I'm taken ;)

Q: Can you adopt me please?

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