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Niall and I had been training for a couple weeks now. He'd come home from work and we'd go straight to the gym. I was thankful that my mum said it was okay if she watched the kids while we trained as long as we were home before the kids' bedtime. Seemed like a good enough compromise to me.

We were training at a different gym than the first one. There was no way in hell I was going to train under the same roof as Chris ever again. No. I never wanted to see that sick bastard's face again.

This gym was just as big as the previous one. To me, it was almost nicer. Niall told me that I probably thought that only because Chris wasn't there. Either way, we were happier here at this gym.

"Harry, you need to focus."

I blinked a few times to see Niall standing in front of me; looking very impatient.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just--"

"Distracted?" He smirked. "I've heard that before."

I blushed pretty bad and Niall just smiled at me.

"I know I've asked this already, but you've never answered. Are you gonna go easy on me this time around?"

Niall chuckled then shook his head no.

"Oh please? Cmon."

"Nope. Now keep your hands up!"

So I obeyed. Every punch he threw at me, I blocked. I even got a few good hits on him. But then I started to notice the sweat dripping down Nialls face and his bare chest. The next thing I knew, I'm was lying on the mat face up and Niall was standing over me.

"Well this looks familiar," he chuckled before helping me up.

"I...I uh..."

"You didn't have a good enough stance..." Niall softly bit down on his lip. "Plus you were distracted by me," He laughed. "My bad."

"Maybe you should put a shirt on. I'll be less distracted..."

Niall just laughed again.

"Just keep your eyes on me..." He smirked. "That should be pretty easy, yeah?"

I nodded and he began to throw his punches at me. I blocked all of them but I couldn't knock him down. It frustrated me that I couldn't knock him down. So I tried harder, but somehow I still ended up on the floor.

"You look so cute down there, Harry," Niall giggled.

"I'm not cute. I'm manly."

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say," He held out his hand to pull me up, but instead, I pulled him on top of me. "Hey..."

I softly pecked his lips.

"Hi," I said softly.


I quickly flipped us so that he was on his back and I was on top of him. His eyes went wide as I pinned his arms above his head.

"Oh how the tables have turned. It seems to be that you're the one on the ground..."

"Only because you—"

But I shushed him with my lips. It took every part of me to not grind against him. I really wanted to. In fact, I really wanted to fuck him in the locker room, but Niall strictly said we could not do that. No matter how much I begged, we couldn't do it. He was killing my mojo.

I pulled away when Niall had bit my lip.

"Owie," I pouted.

"Let me up, Styles."

Lullabies for Styles (Third book)Where stories live. Discover now