01 | draven and twombly

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     "MY NAME IS ROGER CHETTY and I am the Head of the Google Intern Program," The man down at the front of the auditorium began with a stern look. "Welcome to Google."

Mumbles in monotones greeted back in return, the silly propeller hats with the Google colors fidgeting left to right in waves as a few nodded along.

"This will not be your average internship," Chetty said. "You will do what we do, and we will watch how well you do it. Now, you represent the finest schools; your intelligence and your achievements are well noted, but to excel at this internship, you're going to need far more than brainpower. What you're going to need—," Chetty paused before scanning the crowd. "is Googliness."

Everyone erupted into brief hysterics, the room soon quickly filled with laughter and chortles of light hilarity.

"Nothing funny." Chetty scowled, making the laughter die out almost immediately. "Googliness — the intangible stuff that made a search engine into an engine for change. Later on, you will be divided into teams. By the end of the summer, only one team will be guaranteed a full-time position. The other 95% of you, will not."

Bree scrunched her nose at the last bit.

"You've been split up into several seminars to work and acquaint you with our campus's culture. The descriptions have been emailed to each of you. I'd wish you luck, but it's not luck you'll be needing." Chetty dropped the mic to his side dismissively. "Get to work."

With that, the area broke out into a flurry of rushing interns as everyone moved to evacuate. The transparent doors on both sides of the auditorium were flung open not long after Chetty took his exit, ready to get a head start on the day. 

The room fell quiet once everything had settled down. Bree stood up and stretched her arms for a bit before shoving her stuff back into her bag, humming a quiet tune to herself as she cleaned out her seat.

Brushing a few lingering interns on her way down the narrow staircase, her eyes flickered over to a dark purple beanie sitting a few paces down the aisle. Sighing internally, she shook her head and continued her way down.

Until her foot missed an entire step.

A second later, she reflexively stuck her arms out and she stumbled on her feet trying to catch her breath. Bree flopped lightly into arms and broad shoulders as she could feel the person abruptly losing his footing at the impact.

"Wow there," Stuart huffed into her ear, a breathy laugh brushing the nape of her neck as his arms slowly pulled away from her torso once she regained her footing. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop staring at me, Draven?"

Bree could feel herself burn up at the accusation. She had only bothered to spare him a glance, but even then, Bree would never admit to that out loud. Especially not to someone like Stuart Twombly.

"I already see you first thing in the morning," Bree said as she finally straightened herself under his heavy gaze, yanking her bag closer to her side. "I'm pretty sure I don't need to see you more than I need to."

Her reply seemed to spur Stuart on even more, the smallest hint of a smile lacing through his lips as he pushed on, "Intimidated, are you?"

"Curious, actually," Bree corrected easily, which earned her an interested tilt of his head in return. Mustering back a smile she hoped she could pass off as polite, she continued, "How so much ego can fit into such a tiny, little head."

Stuart barked out a laugh and Bree caught herself from staring at the last second. His eyes curled up behind his glasses, an amused glint in his eyes as his lips turned up, revealing the small dimple on his right cheek. 

She didn't know he was capable of portraying anything other than distaste and the unnecessary cheekiness and it would have actually been endearing if it weren't for the fact that Stuart was already opening his mouth for yet another aggravating quip.

"When you put it that way, it's definitely something worth working your head over," Stuart hummed once he regained his composure. His lips tugging up again, he added slyly, "But I'd be more than willing to help you save time and share my little secret with you over lunch."

Bree blinked once, twice. 

"I don't do sudden lunch plans," she shot down without a second to spare.

Almost as if he had expected her reply, Stuart raised an eyebrow, seemingly pleased that she hadn't accepted his invitation straight away. Completely unfazed, insistent.

"Then how about dinner?" he tried to bargain.

Bree made a face. "Funny," she sneered. "Very funny."

Stuart smiled back. "It's one of my many charms, I've been told."

He was obviously doing this on purpose to rile her up and Bree wasn't going to give him the reaction he wanted. If he actually thought for one second that she was interested in him, then he was clearly out of his mind and more delusional than she realized.

Bree scoffed out a laugh of disbelief before pushing her way around him and continuing the steps down the bleachers. Stuart didn't seem too keen in continuing the conversation either since she had actually made it to the platform before one of them spoke up again.

"I'll see you around, Twombly," she threw over her shoulder.

Her feet stopped short when she was about to push the door open. When she didn't get a reply, she curiously glanced around to see Stuart was already heading towards the door on the opposite side of the auditorium.

Almost as if he had a sixth sense, Stuart looked over his shoulder then and caught her eye before breaking into a knowing smile.

How many times do I have to tell you to stop staring at me, Draven?

With this, he finally exited the auditorium.


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