03 | the golden goddess

Start from the beginning

     Why did I agree to do this again?

    "Now this is a surprise," he smirks. "The infamous Addie Hale, waiting outside my class to get my attention? Oh, this is priceless."

     I go straight to the point. "I need your help."

    "My help?" He laughs out loud. "What makes you think I want to help you?"

     Weird. That's exactly what I said to Trey a few days ago.

     It's funny how the world can turn into a place where you can't expect someone to help you for the sheer fact of just helping another human being.

     That's mankind in a nutshell.

    "I don't, really," I say honestly. "But I thought I might try anyway."

     He peers at me with squinted eyes. He's trying to hide it, but I know he's curious that I'm not fighting him. "Continue."

    "What do you know about Justine Reynolds?"

     TJ stares at me like I've grown wings and a horn. And then he bursts out laughing.

     I give him an unamused stare as he clutches his stomach, his cackles echoing through the walls like he's a tortured hyena. This goes on for a full minute before he straightens up, grinning like I'm a five-year-old. "You have got to be kidding me."

    "Do I look like I'm kidding?"

     He shakes his head. "Dear, sweet Adelaide. You know you're not the first person to ask me that, right?" Then he smirks. "Well, you're certainly the first girl. Which says a lot about you, my friend."

     I roll my eyes. "My sexual orientation is the least of my worries, especially your opinion about it. Are you going to help me or not?"

    "Only 'cause I'm interested." His eyes gleam. "Very, very interested."

     Deep down I know the real reason why he's helping me is because he has something in mind. Maybe he wants to see what I do with the information. Or whether I fail at my goal or not. Which makes me want to succeed even more.

     I mentally tell myself to keep an eye on him.

     TJ can do some real damage if he wanted to.



     Liv knows from my expression alone that I'm hiding something.

    "I'm helping Trey get together with Justine Reynolds," I say like it's part of my daily routine. Like nerd-slash-players ask me for advice all the time. "I talked to TJ earlier to see what he knows about her."

     Here are the list of things I gathered about the great Justine Reynolds:

     Here are the list of things I gathered about the great Justine Reynolds:

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