• T H R E E •

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Wardell's POV 9:56am

" Lord please save her for me ,
Do this one favor for me . "

Flawless .

She slept quietly , light snores gracing her lips . Her vibrant dark skin gleamed , as if possible , more than it has before . I leaned forward , kissing her collarbone tenderly .

She was Flawless .

Last night ended on a pleasant note , which believe you me I couldn't be any more grateful for .

But I'm on a mission

The woman i've become obsessively in love with , has no clue of who I possibly am . Hopefully that wont be for too much longer .

I found myself dialing a number , that just might help . I'd do anything for her . Anything .

" Hello? "

Ava's POV 10:26am

Taking in the luxurious bedroom , only revoked last night's events . I smiled tiredly only before rolling over to find no one there .

I got up warily , as I walked out the bedroom suite .

" Wardell ? " I spoke groggily .

No answer .

" Wardelllll . " I sung .

No answer .

Walking into the kitchen , I found a red envelope ,  with black cursive writing on the front . Opening it ,    It read a riddle .

" Before I met you

I was me

But not the me

I knew I could be .

Meet me on the rooftop and bring a swim suit .

- W "

The long flight of stairs that led to the rooftop , defeated the entire purpose of me taking a shower .

As I reached the top , out of breath may I add , I was greeted with a radiant Wardell . He met me half way before taking me in his warm embrace . He  was strong and dominate , which i'm not mad at . Although I am mad at these extensive flight of stairs I so happened to have to walk up  .

As we parted ways , his smile instantly fell which left me a bit confused .

" You couldn't put nothing over that " he spoke , referring to my provocative swimsuit attire .

" Wardell you told me to wear my bathing suit . What were you expecting ? " Im trying to be as calm as possible about the situation , but Wardell really has me on edge right about now .

" I said bring one not wear one Ava . You look like a slut right now .  "

I squinted  " Excuse Me ? "

He must not know me . I don't have to be here .

Without any further words spoken I began to head for the door back downstairs , only for him to grab me by my waist .

" What Wardell ? Im a fucking slut right ? " I whimpered . His eyes softened . That word he spoke so effortlessly , really triggered something for me . What was it ? I couldn't say .

" Baby girl I'm sorry . I just don't want people to think of you that way . " Wardell whispered , as he ran his hands up and down my silhouette .

"Forget what other people think Wardell ," I sighed , "lets enjoy ourselves. " Which only led him to smirk .

" Be careful what you wish for . "

No POV 5:52pm

The young pair had now spent most of their day involved in one another's presence . Although Ava would refused to admit how much she grew to like Wardell . She has a past with bad relationships , so letting her guard down will take much more work than Wardell had planned for , yet he is up for the challenge .

Wardell felt obligated to take care of her well being . He wouldn't dare let her out of his sight , in fear of having to relive her disappearance . It haunted him .

Though all fears were set aside right now , as the two picked each others brains on any and every subject that came across . The pair sat in the hot tub , closer than ever . Ava straddled him , as she toyed with his hair . As for Wardell , he rested his hands on her backside . As long as she was comfortable though , he thought .

" Im just attracted to darker skinned woman . " Wardell spoke nonchalantly .

"  So that's all your attracted to ?" Ava chuckled , as she was dark skin woman herself .

He smiled " Basically . You know I'm attracted to you ."

Ava blushed , although he probably couldn't see it . Ava was beyond flattered . She always thought Wardell was sexy , and in her words

' He can get it any day '

Ava wrapped her toned arms around his neck , as Wardell pushed her closer .

" What're you thinking about ?" He spoke softly .

Ava smiled shyly " You ."

Before anything else was said , Wardell leaned in leaving short gentle kisses on Ava's lips . Ava pulled him back in , leading them in a long and passionate make out session .

Wardell deepened the kiss , lightly squeezing her backside . She moaned into the kiss , which caused Wardell to pull away . He wanted everything he did with her to be meaningful , not just the heat of the moment .

Wardell stared into her eyes deeply , trying to read her . He leaned in once more , pecking her lips swiftly . He picked Ava up , and carried her and himself back to the suite .

The two found their self in the suite bathroom , as Wardell started his beloved a bath . Ava began to undress before stepping inside . She wasn't ashamed of her body to say the least .

Wardell didn't leave afterwards , he just watched her .

" Why ? " Ava spoke softly , as she relaxed in the large tub .

"Why what baby girl ?" He questioned .

" Why do you treat me like this ? You kidnapped me "

He sighed " I don't know ."

Wardell knew he was in love with Ava , but he was disheartened that she wouldn't feel the same .

But so was she .


Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys , it was my birthday yesterday . I've been pretty busy . Nonetheless , Thanks for reading guys !!!! Much love 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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