• P R O L O G U E •

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Tired , is the only term that can fit my current feeling.

Having not slept peacefully for the past week or so ,  has took a toll on me not only physically  and mentally ,

But emotionally .

That's no one else to blame but myself , as I wanted to expand my ventures to a fairly popular town out here in San Fransisco , called Oakland .

Where I last resided left nothing but bad memories for me and quite frankly , I needed a change in scenery .

Or so I thought

The Bay Area is okay ,  something I will surely have to get used to , considering the fact that i've only been living here for the past 3 weeks.
It's been unusually calm , which has kept me on edge for as long as I've stayed .

Surely doesn't help my sleep deprivation

Checking the time on my recently bought wrist watch , only led me to murmur a few curse words due to the late hour .

After cleaning up a few miscellaneous items in my small boutique , I grabbed my whereabouts heading for the front door .

Closing out my boutique , I was embraced with the warm Oakland weather . My car was park considerately far from where my boutique stood , leaving me with no other option but to walk .

The warm air blew against my sleek bun , which led me to try and fix the few stray strands but failed miserably.

Oakland was a beautiful town and all , but it's quiet . A little to quiet .

As I reached the public parking lot ,  I fondled for my keys inside my purse .  Once realizing that I've must've left them back in the shop.

Not only tired , but irritated

Before I could even turn around , two strong hands grasped for my neck , leaving me winded.

I tried to fight back as much as I possibly could , although it probably wasn't the smartest idea .

The more I gasped for air , the less I saw day .

Until all I saw was ,

Black .

Ava In MM .


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