School and stuff (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"It's alright it's only me." Kyle's voice whispered. Then I felt someone lift me up and carry me in the hall, I heard a laugh


The person that was carrying me, Ky and I went outside and he or she lay me down in the snow, that felt better, I wiped my eyes and saw. Joy.

I smiled, as the burning sensation disapered

*End of flashback*

A tear rolled down my cheek, but I wiped it quickly. The nurse was already assessing Darcy, so I went to my class.

*After school.* 

I walked outside alone, because Ky and Joy's (who I haven't seen in forever) mom picked them up early. I just stood by the door, none of my friends were around, so I stood in my thoughts.

"Thanks for what you did back there." I heard a small voice whispered, I turned around and saw my shy little Darcy looking down, I tipped her head so she could look up at me with her beautiful brown eyes

"Darcy, you're welcome." I smiled, then she smiled. Her brown skin looked moist and soft and she had long beautiful, black Indian hair. People call her a nerd, because  she wears big glasses, dresses in overly big clothes and stuff, but I like her.

"I got to, my mom is over there." She pointed to her mom

"Oh, your mom is talking to my caretaker." I giggled, I can't say dad because someone else might come pick me up tomorrow, what would I say to my friends? 'Hey guys, I have four dads and one mom just letting you know.' Nope, not happening

"Wait you live with..PTX?!"



"Yes but I'm not going to tell my friends yet, please don't tell em please."


We got to our parents, and I hugged Avi's leg

"Hey bug," He picked my up and set me on his waist "What do you say?"

"Good afternoon Darcy's mom." I said

"Aww she's so cute!" Her mom gushed "Well you have my address, bring her over any time, we should go. Bye!"


And they left.

"How was school today?" Avi asked. I opened my mouth "Spill everything." He added, I closed my mouth again.

After like, ten seconds I did, and he didn't  looked to pleased.

"Don't worry, Kirstie is good at this stuff, she'll take care of it. I promise." And we had a long drive home. When we got home, while Avi was talking to Kirstie I did the only thing I could think of.

"SCOTT!!!" I yelled running up the stairs. I knocked on his door and he opened it and flung me in the air, I giggled. 

"Hey teddy bear, wazzup."

"I was wondering if you could change me outfit please?" 

"Sure, let's go to space!!'

He put me to sit on his shoulders and I giggled as he just did a u-turn to go to my room, he set me down and I went to the closet and pulled out my joggers and my superfruit shirt.

After I got changed Scott said he and Mitch had to make a superfruit video, Avi and Kris had to do some shopping, and Kevin was taking a rest. So I went up to my room and wrote in my diary. (Excuse her spelling because she is 4).

Dear Diary, Monday 5th November 2015

My first time writing in you and today was my first day of skool. this boy name jake was no leving me alone. I dont like him. I dont have alot to say, nope I do

I am realy happy I was chosen by Pentonix because they make me super happy! like Avi's frown make me laugh a lot. Kirs buys me cloths and shoes but I dont want her too. but I may not sho it but I'm scared if I say no she'll hit me super hard, I havnt told them about my past and it would never happen. I hope.

Today at school we did maths with Mr Akabarney. I dont know how to spell his name. he has red hair, and gold eyes, I did english and we did spellings.

Words like and, are,ant,cat, rat, and fat I knew how to spell. But Mathematics, because and Language gave me some trouble. My favourit subjects are Mathematics and Arts with Mr. Sheyota. 

I made new freinds too!

Panda Anderson is my first friend, she has long straight whit hair and  blue-purple eyes, she like 1D like me, shes four

Kenny Cooper has black-blue hair and green eyes, hes 5 and he likes food

Alexis Tatum has red hair shes 4 years, she likes food and nice boys.

Darren Eudovic has whit hair with blue lines (highlights) Blue eyes, 5 years, he likes puppies, airoplanes, to draw.

jake is Alexis brother by the way.

Oh and I met Darcy too! Jake was beating her and I helped her, she is brown skin with long black indian hair , brown eyes and she likes: purple and kittens, oh and she's four.

thats all my friends.

oh and joy kyle and I got adopted on the same date but i was adopted by a different person. we go to same school though.

in two weeks me and Pentonix are going on tour. I am so excited!

Well i need some rest

Good bye Niall  oh and thats your name  now

from Sky

As soon as I was done writing, I lay on my bed and fell fast asleep.



I hope you like it this far! In the next chapter I might or might not add a new POV just letting ya know!

Love always

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