Chapter 2

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I waited outside Alleyway fashion, this time, without Darcy. I was nervous. Dylan appeared and closed the door behind him
and ran up to me. "Hey. How long were you waiting out here in the freezing cold?"  He asked. "Oh, not long. Let's go," I replied. "Wait." He said, taking off his jacket and revealing his muscle. He wrapped it around my shoulders and laughed, "Now you're warm."
"Thanks." I said, as we started walking.

I explained everything about the murder and told him why I bought the detective outfit. "Put it on for me, I wanna see how cute you'll look."
"Ha ha." I said sarcastically. But deep down, I blushed at the comment.

We finished dinner and I collected the plates up and washed them. While I did that, I was glad that Darcy and Lizzy were playing with him. He seems to really get along with them.

I smiled at that thought. I finally finished the dishes. Lizzy insisted that we play murder in the dark, (a really fun game where we turn the lights off and someone is it and they need to try and tap people on the shoulder (murder). Murderer wins if they kill all players.) so we did. It was around 11 pm and Lizzy said goodnight and went to bed with Darcy following. Dylan's mum called and said Dylan needed to go home. "I'll walk you home." I insisted. "Ok then we better get going, creepy men might be lurking on the streets at this time." He said.
"Haha like you?" I laughed.
"Yeah but creepier."

When we got to Dylan's house, he told me  he was going to see a play, and asked if I was free on Saturday. "Mmhmm, is it all right if Lizzy comes? She'd hate to miss out." I asked.
"Yeah, sure." He replied.
"Cya Saturday," I said as he closed his front door. Wait, this goodbye doesn't feel right, I thought.

I turned around and ran up to the door and rung the doorbell. Dylan opened the door. "Yes?" He asked. I stepped forward and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and it became a hug. He let go and said, "That's more like it." We laughed and once again, I
found myself walking on the streets.

Suddenly, a big cart pulled up in front of me, blocking my path. That's strange, I thought. As I walked around the back of it a man came out  and started running after me. I sprinted but as I got through the end of the second alleyway, I ran into a carriage and fell backwards. Sore and weak, I was forced to stand up and a thick cloth was wrapped over my eyes. I got pulled up into the cart from before, and I finally had time to realise i had a big graze on my arm, bleeding and stinging. I tried to put up with it. I felt the cart move and someone took my arm and dunked it into salt with a little bit of water. "AARGH!!" I yelled. I tried to get it out but strong hands kept it in. I was about to yell again but when I opened my mouth, a cloth got stuffed into it and tied around my head, leaving only my nose to breath through.

I woke up in a cold room with a dull light. My hands were tied behind my back and I tried to stand. After hours of gnawing and chewing at the cloth in my mouth, i finally got it off. More countless hours later, I finally managed to chew and rip the cloth off my hands. My teeth and jaw were sore and my wrist left marks of the cloth that was tightly wrapped around it. I lifted the cloth off of my eyes and finally realised I was in someone's basement.

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