Evils downfall

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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

Hermione povWe going to battle with Voldemort today we all are getting ready for this get time in history Are you ready to see our evils downfall I ask I do hermione I really do then maybe we can get married and finally start trying to be normal D...

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Hermione pov
We going to battle with Voldemort today we all are getting ready for this get time in history
Are you ready to see our evils downfall I ask
I do hermione I really do then maybe we can get married and finally start trying to be normal Draco said
I love how you said trying with a lot of tension I say
He kissed my head
Love, we have been through enough pain that equals out to be what hundreds of people put together go through their whole lives and I want to at least have the rest of my life to be normal he said
I know love and we won't be able to do that unless we defeat Voldemort so let's go win this not just for us but for everyone
We apperarted to malfoy manor
The fight started and I was up against Ron instantly
Hello live he said
Don't call me love I say
Crucio he said
Reducto I say
We fought and Ron finally gave up and I petrified him
Everyone else was dueling with someone of there own I spot Draco dueling with Bellatrix
I go over
And attack from behind she falls to the ground
We were winning protecting each other as We go
No One on our side has died yet which is good
And now the only one left is Voldemort we all take him at once and he falls on his knees screaming in agony we hit him one more time and he is gone
We won
I hugged Draco and kissed him the aurors started locking up death eaters
And we went home to celebrate
We lost no one mcgonnagal said
We cheer and laugh and we are finally happy.
That night me and Draco lay in bed just talking
Mione he said
Yeah drake I say
We can be married soon he said
Yeah I say
Do you think we Could ever have kids
He asked
I looked at him intently
Of course I love you and you
Love me and l hope that you
Have the same trust in me as I have in you I say
I do we kiss It gets heated real quick
Do you trust me he said
Of course do trust me I say
Yes love he said
We kissed and then we had sex for the first time together
Once we finished
We laid in bed together I had my head on his chest
I love you drake I say
I love you too he said
We fell asleep in each others arms

I woke up to hearing dracos heart beat slowly I smiled
I love this man and I can't even express half of it the love is so great I think
I feel him move and I look up at him and he sends me a Half asleep smile
Good morning love he groggily said kissing my head
We got up and dressed for the day
I put on (at the top) and headed down stairs with dracos hand in mine
Hello love birds after breakfast we are going back to hogwarts Blaise said
Okay Blaise and can I talk to you for a second I say
Of course he said
We walk into a room away from everyone
I wanted to thank... I start but was cut off
Don't you dare finish that sentence hermione granger you don't have thank me for comforting do that what friends do and if I didn't you probably would of had a complete mental breakdown so I glad I could help but you don't need to thank me he said
We hug and walk back to the kitchen and we eat after we finish we apperate to hogwarts And get settled back into our dorms
*a couple of weeks later*

I was sitting in front of the fireplace with draco
Drake I say
Yes hermione he said
Have you ever thought of names for our children if we have any I ask
Yeah I have he said
What are they I ask
Well for a girl I think
Canan paisley Malfoy
And for a boy
Raiden scorpious Malfoy
What about you he asked
Well I like
Fallon Kate Malfoy
And for a boy
Kade Landry(LAN-dree)Malfoy
I like them he said
Yeah I like yours too I say
I felt this sudden urge to throw up so I got out of Dracos arms and rushed to the bathroom I threw up a couple times and once I was sure I couldn't get sick any more I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom
Mione what's wrong do you need to go see madam pomfrey he asked
I started getting dizzy
Yeah I think.... I fell unconscious the last thing I saw was Draco catching me before I had fell.

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