The dance and an unsuspected surprise!

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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

Hermiones povI woke up this morning curled in a ball and laying on Draco on the couch Draco

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Hermiones pov
I woke up this morning curled in a ball and laying on Draco on the couch
Draco.. I say
Yes he said
Why are we on the couch
Because we fell asleep during the movie he said
You want to go to breakfast he asked
Yeah I say
I got up and went to my room I put on my sweater on from ms. Wesley because it was baggy and a turtle Neck and I put on some jeans and my ugg boots and walked out
You ready drake I asked
Yeah he said
We walked to the great hall
Blaise Harry and Ginny were already sitting down
We walked over to them
Hey guys I say
Hey mione how you doing today Harry asked
I feel better with Ron in Azkaban I say
Good Harry said
Mcgongall came up to the podium
Good morning students I would like to inform you that we will be having the back go school masquerade ball tonight so get your dates and have fun
Oh no I totally forgot about the ball I say
That is understandable draco said
Yeah but I don't even have a date I say
Well hermione will you go with me I don't have a date either draco said
How lovely I would love to go mister Malfoy I say
My pleasure miss granger he said kissing the top of my hand
Well mate I'm going to go ask Astoria to the dance see you in potions Blaise said waving
Bye Blaise I say
Bye mione he said and walked away
Hey mione you want to go to the common room and get ready after lunch Ginny asked
Yeah sure ill meet you there I say
Hey gin Harry said
Yes Harry she said
Would you like to go to the ball with me ? he asked
Of course she said
Well let's head to class I say we get up and went to class.

After lunch
Me and Ginny went to the common room
Hey hermione I was looking in a text book and saw that there is this spell that can cover bruises but it wears off after 24 hours and you aren't aloud to use but once she said
Would you do it for me my dress is kinda sleeve less and I would not want people to see i say
Of course now lets get ready she giggled
I put on my blue dress it was quite beautiful I thought
Ginny had a black and with dress and her mask matched her hair was put in this broad head bands thing and looked wonderful with her read hair.
I had my hair in a half braid half down thing with the same color blue flowers In it and my mask matched she put the charm on me and went to get Harry and Draco
We walked in to our common room and draco and Harry were standing there looking at us mouths open
Guys close your mouths you'll catch flies I chuckle
Sorry mione  Draco said
Ready to go Harry said
Yes we all say and walk to the great hall
We walked in and everyone was dancing and laughing
Would you like to dance draco asked
Yes I said
We walked to the dance floor and swayed to the music
This is fantastic I say looking around
It truly is draco said
We danced a couple of songs and I needed to go to the restroom
I got to go to the restroom ill be back
I walked to the loo
I came out of the stall and washed my hands
In the corned of my eye I saw a flash of red hair
Gin is that you I ask
No.. I'm surprised you didn't recognize me hermione the know it all mudblood should know everything right he said
I turn around
Ron.. I start
He grabs me and pulls be to the ground and pulls my dress up and rapes me he isn't paying attention a second wil he finishes I punch him in the face he fell to the floor and I ran out to the hall I saw Blaise heading back to the slytherin common room
BLAISE I yell I ran to him
And he turned around
Mione what happened he looked at me
My make up was running my dress was dis leveled my hair falling out
And I had red slap mark on my face
R.... Ron is here I say
Oh no lets get you to draco and Harry we walked to the great hall
Okay stay right here ill be right back he said letting go
NO I yell please don't leave please don't leave me alone I cry
Well we are going to have to go in there then just stay calm he said grabbing me and wrapping his arms around me and walking into the great hall
Harry Ginny Draco mcgongall I need you now Blaise
My oh my what happened mister zabini can we talk were there is less people
He asked
Of course she said we walked  into the hall
Mione what happened Harry asked wrapping his arms around me
R...Ron is back he attacked me in the bathroom when he wasn't paying attention and I punched him i think I might have knocked him out but then I ran and saw Blaise walking to slytherin common room and I ran to him and then we came and got you I wailed into his chest
Oh my hermione Ron's out of Azkaban how he just was sent there Ginny said
I don't know he probably never made it there
Well lets go to the bathroom and see if he is still there
We walk into the bathroom and there's Ron sitting on the floor with is nose bleeding and a black eye
He is unconscious mcgongall said
She took out hand cuffs she must of had for situations like this and she cuffed him and levitated him to her office
I sat on the whole other side of the room away from Ron
You bitch he said shaking trying to get up
You will get what you deserve when the time comes the death eaters will rise again and till then you will be my sex toy he smirked
Harry Draco and Blaise all pulled out there wands
Talk on more word and I will kill you draco said
He just laughed
If your father could see you now we i guess he can't he's dead just like the rest of you will be
....Voldemort he grinned draco fell to the floor In pain
I went to him and put his head In my lap and messed with is hair with my hand
STUPITIFY! Harry and Blaise yelled
Ron froze
He suddenly unfroze and shouted the killing curse it was hurling towards Harry and I jumped in front of him and then everything went black.

The scars between us (a dramione fan fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن