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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

In the picture above is the boy outfits that I mentioned before on the authors noteHope you like them Enjoy the chapters////////////////////////////////////Hermione's povI woke up to another body next to mine I look up and see dracoThen all the ev...

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In the picture above is the boy outfits that I mentioned before on the authors note
Hope you like them
Enjoy the chapters
Hermione's pov
I woke up to another body next to mine I look up and see draco
Then all the events of last night come flooding back
I started to get up the I looked at the clock it said 7:45
Oh bloody hell breakfast starts in fifteen minutes
I walked to the other side of the bed
Draco wake up I shake him nothing happens so I go back to the other side of the bed stand on the bed and start jumping
Wha... bloody hell woman why am I in your bed and why are you jumping he asked still half asleep
First you stayed here last night because I asked you too and then I was jumping because I tried shaking you awake you didn't even budge so I thought oh why not jump on a bed and yell loudly like a three year old I say plopping down on the bed
I love your sense of humor he said sarcastically
Me too I say ignoring his sarcasm
We have about ten minutes left and I need a shower so ill be back i say
Okay he says leaving the room
I grab my clothes and bath bag and went to the bathroom
I turn on the shower and jump in
Draco is so handsome I thought
Whoa hermione you can't think that he barely even likes you as a friend don't push it I tell myself
I turn the shower off and walk out of the tub when the bathroom door opens
Ahhhh! I exclaim
I grab a towel
Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking mione I'm sorry he said
It's okay think before you do something next time okay I say
Okay he says
Looking at my body then smirks
What I say
You look good in slytherian green he says walking away
Wha... Malfoy I didn't mean to grab your towel you just startled me and I grabbed the first towel in reach I say
What ever you say granger he says sitting on the sofa
Uhhh...I say
I close the door and dress then I walk out
Okay breakfast then I ask
Yep lets go he says
Okay I say
We walk down the hall talking everyone is starring at us with glares or just shock we don't even notice them we walk into the great hall and I look at draco
I hug him he hugs back
Be careful today no break downs
Or anything drawing attention okay I want a normal day see you in potions I say
Okay mione you too do draw to much more attention than you already are he whispers
More attention I ask everyone I starring at up were still hugging and we're not tearing each others heads off no one I saying any thing just looking at us he says smirking
Oh we should let go now huh I say
I think so bye mione he say
Bye Draco I say
We let go and go to our tables everyone is still staring And no one is talking
It go me a little irritated so before I yelled or something he looks at me and we both start blowing up with laughter
Why are you two laughing one teacher states
F..fin..finally someone says something I was about to yell at you guys I say
Me too draco says
Again why are you laughing a professor states
We are laughing because you guys are all quiet when me and Draco hugged its normal to do that when your friends I say
Your friends a raven claw asks
Yes we are I say
Why wouldn't we be draco asks
Well here are some off the top of my head the snarky raven claw girl said
She's one third of the golden trio and your a death eater

She's a Griffendor your a slytherian

She's a goody two shoes your a bad boy

She's a muggle born your a pure blood

And final reason both of you hated each others guts last year

That's very sterotypical and rude i say
Well it's the truth you filthy mudblo..she was cut off
Don't you dare say that word I will hex you I've heard that word enough to last a lifetime you blood prejudice bitch we had a war for a reason and the reason wasn't to keep doing or say thing to others because of blood difference and for your information I've seen Moines blood and its the exact Same as mine and yours so take your bitchy ass self to the head mistresses office he said
She smirked
How come you've seen her blood oh wait I know you work with Voldemort
Ahhh he said falling to the ground
I turned towards her in enough time for her not to use her wand and say
I grabbed her wand and said
She fell to the ground
I ran to Draco
draco are you okay I ask
Yeah fine mione summon your Petronius for the head mistress to get down here he says
Okay expecto Petronum I say an otter glides out of my wand and I sent on its way
Oh my gracious what happened mcgongall says
This girl said you know who and was about to attack draco I say
Oh very we'll then I will make sure she gets proper punishment
Thank you professor I say no problem miss granger just make sure mister Malfoy is all right
Yes mam
I walk over to Draco
are you okay
Well breakfast is over you want to walk to DADA with me I ask
Yeah sure he said
We walk to class and sit by each other Ginny and Harry sat next to each other and Ron sat with Neville
I looked at Ron he just smiled at me like nothing happened
I just turned around when the professor came into class
Okay class today we are doing boggarts today so line up
We stood in line and Harry went first nothing happened
Well mister potter I guess you don't have any fears then something happened we saw Voldemort rising from somewhere
ridikulus he said
Voldemort had a tutu and was dancing everyone laughed
Next was draco
He stood there everyone wanted to know what his fear was
It was a girl lying on the ground with a lady on top of her and cutting something in her arm then I noticed it was me being tortured I gasp
I watch him sit there and the he says
Bellitrix starts getting really fat and rides a unicycle
Everyone laughs again then it was my turn
I walk up there and bellitrix comes out of the box holding a dagger with blood on it
What's the matter mudblood cat got your tongue she cackled
Rid.... Ridik..i started but tears where in my eyes and then everything went black last thing I heard was hermione coming from Draco

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