Voldemorts return

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Currently revising this fan fiction, I wrote this years ago when I was younger and it's horribly written, please go to the new version...

The Scars Between Us (Revised Version)

Hermione povOnce the screaming had stopped there was an eerie quietnessDraco and Harry fell unconsciousWe rushed them to the hospitalThis can't be happening we took the resurrection stone I saidMaybe he was resurrected before we took the stone the...

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Hermione pov
Once the screaming had stopped there was an eerie quietness
Draco and Harry fell unconscious
We rushed them to the hospital
This can't be happening we took the resurrection stone I said
Maybe he was resurrected before we took the stone theo said
But wouldn't they already felt something if that happened this must of just happened i say
Then it hit me
Wait where is the resurrection stone? I say
I dunno theo said
Realization hit us they got the stone back
But how Ginny asked
I dunno but right now all we need to worry about is drake and Harry I say
Yeah they said
We walk in the hospital wing and find them laying in beds unconscious
I walked over to Draco and intertwined our fingers
I kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear I love you and I hope you wake up soon.
I love you too he croaked
Oh god drake your okay I embraced him tightly
Yeah he said
What happened I asked
I dunno one second I was fine and the. The next my left Arm is burning...
Oh no he's back isn't he he looked up his eyes pleading he was wrong
Yes I say
What are we going to do? he asked
We will fight until we can't anymore I say
Do you think we have a chance he asked
Of course our numbers have increased while his decrease every second.
So we start the meetings again I say
Yes Harry said
We cannot tell anyone except members so you know who does not find out
Draco and Harry were released from the infirmary
Me and Draco walked to the common room
Hermione Draco said
Yes Draco I said
.. I just wanted to say that no matter what happens I will always love you he said
I will always love you too I say
I continued to walk forward a couple of steps when I didn't hear foot steps behind me I turned around to see Draco on one knee with a beautiful ring
I gasped
I know this is sudden but I love you and I couldn't wait and if we die fighting this war I want us to die for love so hermione would you do me the honor of becoming my wife
Yes I say he slides the ring on my finger
I love you so much drake I say
I love you too Draco says
I passionately kiss him
Well should we tell everyone I say
We walked to the great hall since it being dinner and all
We walked over to our friends smiling widely
What's put you two In a good mood theo asked
Oh nothing really just that we got engaged Draco shrugged
What! oh this is amazing Ginny squealed
I'm happy for you both  Harry said
Yeah we all are blaise said
Well do you guys want to head back to the common room with us I ask
No I think me Harry and theo will go play some quittach Ginny said
Oh okay Blaise how about you I ask
Yeah sure he said
Lets go Draco said
We walked to the common room
Once we got inside dracos grip tightened on my hand and then I was pushed behind him
In front of us stood bellatrix lestrange and Ronald Weasley
Bellatrix must of helped Ron escape from azkaban considering she was no where to be found and was still on the death water hunt list
My my my isn't it my favorite nephew oh and zabini come to see auntie Bella she cackled
And who have we got here she said apperarted behind me grabbing my hair
Isn't this your mudblood Weasley she sneered
Why it is Bella he smirked
take her away and do what you want I have someone who would like to see Draco she said
And then suddenly everything went black

Dracos pov

Hermione was gone like that I tried to attack bellatrix but Blaise
Held me back and said
You and I both know that we can't take her so play along he said
I have a feeling some one missed you dearly and wants to teach you a lesson dear boy bellatrix said
Who I said
Oh the dark lord of course she said
Well lets get on with it I say
We apperarted to the new location of the death eaters
I found myself face to face with the dark lord
Oh Draco how I have
Missed you he said
M'Lord I say trying to play normal
Look at me Draco I know
You have been plotting against me he sneered and I won't have that so I'm going to have to teach you a lesson 'crucio' he said
I fell to the floor In pain I heard Blaise yelp beside me we both were repeatedly hit with the curse until we went unconscious

Hermiones pov

I woke up in a dark room
Ron was in the corner
Oh finally your awake mudblood
No please no Ron I will do anything just don't hurt me I croaked
Shut it he said
He slapped me
He lunched at me and he pinned me to the floor
He began roughly kissing me while I tried to get away I fought him every chance I got but it didn't work
I spit in his eye that only made it worse he crucioed me and a screamed he pulled all of my clothes off and his and repeatedly raped me and shot the cruciatius curse at me until I fell un conscious
I hope someone saves me was my last thought. before I saw nothing but black.

The scars between us (a dramione fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now