Not an Update..sorry.x

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    200 reads!!!! That's incredible for someone who didn't think they'd get this far. That may sound silly to some, but I'm very thankful.

    Thank you so much to the people that took the time to comment nice things. Thank you to all the people who voted for this book four chapters (for now) in. And thank you to all the people that took the time to read this. Every single one of you that read all the way through or even just a chapter, I'm sending all my love to you.

   Thank you all so much!! Expect an update soon. :)

Also if anyone likes 5SOS then you can go check out my new Luke fanfic called Ben & Jerry's! It's in the series I made called the Restaurant Series and his love story starts it all off. Love you all.

  One last thing. A great legendary musician named David Bowie passed away at the age of 69 recently. His music will always live on....what a great legend. ❤️


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