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Our Uni was now a bit different from others. The education center made a new program this year for peers like me that want to be a sort of teacher. Apparently you could now be a little bit like an intern during a free period and learn how to be that kind of teacher.

For example, I have always been interested in the performing category for as long as I could remember. So a few weeks ago, my Voice teacher, Mr. Vacca, pulled me over after class and asked if I would be interested in being an "intern". I said yes on the dot and now I've been brought into the program.

It ended up being a lot more professionally cool than Uni led on. You got your own kind of office area and your own desk and everything. You even got a coffee machine in the same room so it can't get any better than that. Basically, the office "experience" if you will, allows you to get the feel of being a teacher.

Mr. Vacca would let me go in my office during a free period and he would tell me some basics about being the teacher that he is. He sometimes would even let me put notes and helpful tips for voice lessons with him, but unfortunately none of them were mine which was disappointing. However I loved the whole thing.

So today, I was called to go to his office for an offer that Mr. Vacca and the head of Uni had with me. I was pretty nerve wracked if I was honest. They wouldn't tell me anything over the phone call that happened a little over twenty minutes ago so I was starting to worry if I was about to be kicked out of the program. That was the last thing I wanted.

Once I got the call, Perrie immediately turned the car she was using for Uni around and drove back to her house. Apparently, I was "too under dressed" for her liking.

So, she pushed me to my suitcase while ignoring the questions and curious glances that Jesy and Leigh Anne were giving us. She wouldn't even let me pick another outfit, as she legit threw other clothes out of my bag and onto the floor until she found what made her happy. It wasn't bad, but she acted like there was a hurricane as she pushed me again towards the bathroom to change.

I pulled the long-sleeved shirt on, which had cute little cherries on it, and then tugged the black skirt up to my waist and tucked the shirt in. I put up my hair again and sighed before a loud rapping was heard on the door.

"Jade, are you done yet?!"

If Perrie freaked out anymore today, I was going to have a meltdown.

It was probably those marshmallows.....


I swung open the door with raised eyebrows as Perrie looked me up and down.

"Pez, it's just a meet-"

She hushed me and grabbed my arm.

"Hush, child."

I was again pulled along towards the car and we were then on the road again.

The closer we got to the buildings, the more my hands began to shake out of nerves. I have been in the program for nearly a month. What if that was about to change? What if I was being kicked out of the program? What if I wasn't good enough? What if I can't sing? What if I'm being replaced somehow?

I had always loved singing and performing. Ever since I was young, I would always be singing around the house or at a school production. You name it, I've done it. My passion for music has led me to meet some incredibly talented people. One of them was special. We were close, that was for sure. Almost inseparable. He knew how much I adored music and he encouraged me to do what I love as a career. He loved music too. In fact, he was talented enough to go on the X Factor and be put into a band, and oh, was he brilliant and-

And he's out of my life. He left me. He left me, and to this day I still don't know what I did for him to just give me silence. And I didn't know if I would ever find out the answer, but I don't let it bother me. He's gone. I'm nothing to him; he's no longer anything to me, and that's how it is now.

I thought about my doubts for this meeting and him unintentionally for the whole drive. Before I knew it, we were there. I got out with my hands clammy and shaky and butterflies in my stomach, but just not the good kind.

Perrie, seeming to have gotten over her stress hour, pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tight.

"You'll be fine, Jade. Just deep breaths, remember?"

I nodded, afraid that if I opened my mouth that my stomach would impossibly become more empty than it already was. Perrie gave me an apologetic smile and waved, walking backwards.

"Good luck, Jadey! Keep good thoughts!"

I nodded again, somehow forming a sort of smile that I didn't think should even count as a smile.

I walked slowly up the stairs and made my way to the office of Mr. Vacca while giving a small wave to whoever said a hello to me as I walked past.

When I reached the front door, I hesitated. Maybe this was a good meeting. Yeah, maybe it is. I sighed for what felt like the umpteenth time before unwillingly knocking lightly twice on the door. It didn't take long for the head of Uni, Mr. Vanchini, to pop his head out and motion for me to walk in. I bit my lip and made my way inside.

Here goes nothing.

(a.n. second chapter is up!!! It's actually early because I unfortunately won't be able to update often due to my education. I will try hard, but I can't do it all the time. Hope you enjoyed this though! It's half filler half chapter-where-everything-starts.

Also notice that Jade was thinking about a special someone... ;)

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All the love.x)

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