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All I could process once Perrie and I arrived at Leigh-Anne's house was a bunch of congratulatory yells, a rib-breaking hug, and a mixed smell of lasagna and biscuits.

"We're so proud of you, Pickle!" Jesy squeezed me tighter. I laughed but squirmed. Being squished isn't very comfortable.

"Thanks, Jesminda." I managed to get out and she let go of me.

   When I walked into Mr. Vacca's office, he immediately told me that the meeting wasn't about anything bad.

Quite the opposite actually.

He apparently knew someone through his job that was a record producer and told the producer about my voice. The producer seemed interested, Mr. Vacca told me, and wanted to hear me sing. So they wanted me to sing a few tracks for him the following week.

And I had absolutely no words to answer.

I still am surprised about the whole situation, but I was honored when Mr. Vacca told me the whole ordeal. So of course I agreed to do it, but only on one condition.

I wouldn't have the courage to sing in front of anyone if it weren't for my three best friends in the entire world. They have always been there for me. And the thing is, they could all sing too.

Perrie, Leigh-Anne, Jesy, and I have all had those days where we're feeling particularly musical and we'd all kind of sing together. And whenever we would, we all sounded amazing. Whenever we'd do so, it always felt right. Like all four of us were meant to sing together. It was a little strange, but we enjoyed it. So it was my time to repay them for all of their support and love given to me.

I asked if I could record the tracks with them.

Mr. Vacca was a little hesitant at first because he's never exactly heard them sing before, let alone all of us together, so it took a little encouraging of my own. Pretty soon, all of it paid off because he finally said yes.

I was going to sing with my friends to a record producer. We were possibly going to get noticed.

But I still haven't told the girls yet. Not even Perrie, who I told everything else to.

This would be fun.


I heard a car horn outside my house, which meant Niall was finally here. I took a deep sigh and pushed the photo box back in its spot.

I wonder what she's doing right now...

Does she even think of me anymore? Does she even still remember me?

    Probably not because you lost contact with her Harry, you idiot.

  The thoughts kept running through my head as I raked my hand through my hair and put on a beanie.

   Walking down the steps, I saw Niall through the window above the front door jumping around and hitting the football I had set out earlier with his knees and feet. He always got so concentrated when he did that.

    This was one of those times for him, as he didn't even see me lock the house up and walk towards him. He groaned pretty audibly as I kicked the ball in the air before he could.

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