lunch hour: 1:00

mondays: blocks 1, 2, and 3
tuesdays: blocks 4, 5, and 6
wednesdays: blocks 1, 3, and 5
thursdays: blocks 2, 4, 6
fridays: blocks 1 and 2
saturdays: free
sundays: free

"cool," harry agreed, and he couldn't help but wonder what blocks he had with that little toy two rows behind him.

he glanced back, and saw louis chatting with a blonde bloke who was dressed like him. he smiled, knowing that he was happy.

"alright, ladies and gents, we have arrived!" the man in the front of the bus said into a speaker,"i'm paul, a counselor here at Camp Blaze. if you guys have any questions at all, just ask me or any other person in the camp tee shirt, got it?"

there was a range of noises that sounded like everyone agreed, and then he said,"we're gonna dismiss my age, alright? so freshies, you can go ahead and get out."

there weren't too many freshman to get up, maybe six or seven. they were all so innocent and scared, so they scurried off pretty quickly.

"and the sophomores!"

louis caught his eye as he walked in the isle, headed for the door. he reached out and grabbed his wrist.

louis turned around, and saw that it was the boy from earlier,"yes?"

"wait for me?"

louis laughed,"i'll give you five minutes."

harry and zayn got off last, because they're seniors this year. as soon as he was off the bus, harry looked for louis, but he couldn't see him anywhere.

he sighed, and got his bags. his badge told him that he was in cabin #2, which was pretty close to the main building.

the cabins were a good size, and they were slip down the middle, meaning that one building was two cabins.

he found that zayn was in cabin #1, so they'd be pretty close together.

"alright, guys! go to your cabins and get set up. it's 3:17 right now, and i need everyone in the mess hall for dinner at six," paul said, and then everyone scattered.

harry set off in the direction of his cabin, and he noticed that this camp was actually very nice, and modern. there were freshly paved sidewalks, and the buildings seemed fairly new.

he walked up the steps to his cabin, and slid the key into the handle, much like a hotel room's door. it opened, and he was already impressed.

it was a typical log cabin, but it looked like it was made for a billionaire (in harry's eyes, anyway). the walls were wooden platforms, and the furniture was black and mainly leather. harry could get used to this.

the first floor of the cabin was just a living area, a dining area, a kitchen, and a laundry room.

there were wooden stairs that lead up to the second level, which harry guesses the beds are located.

he marched his way up the steps, and the first thing that he saw when he got up to the top was a familiar boy in a skirt.


he was putting his things away in his drawers, and he turned to see the lad,"oh, God."

"hey, roomie," harry chuckled, and went over to the bunkbeds. there were two sets of them in this room, and they were built into the wall.

"this place is really nice," harry commented,"which bed do you have?"

louis looked over and said,"top left."

"therefore, i shall get the bottom left," harry announced, flopping down onto the bed.

there were some more footsteps, and a shy looking kid with curly hair walked in with his bag slung over his shoulder,"uh, hi."

australian, harry thought, that's hot.

"hey, what's your name?" louis asked, standing up and fixing his skirt,"mine's louis."

"ashton, and my friend calum should be up pretty soon, he had to drop off his medicine," ashton explained.

"i'm harry," the cheshire boy clipped in, walking over to shake his hand.

"this place is sick!" another aussie voice shouted from the first floor. ashton chuckled,"that's calum."

"ashy, if there's a top bunk left, i want it!" he shouted again, and up he came. he had black hair, and a cute little puppy-dog face.

"alright, it's yours," ashton said, moving out of his way so the hyper little aussie could jump onto it.

"thank you, ashy," he said, a small blush forming on his cheeks when he realized that there were two other people in the room.

"hi," louis said, introducing himself again.

"hi, do you always wear skirts?" calum asked, and ashton quickly cut him off,"calum! that's rude!"

"i didn't mean it to be rude, i was just asking the boy," calum said, then redirecting his attention back to louis.

"um, no. i only packed three other skirts," louis said, his turn to blush.

"sweet," calum said,"ashy, can we take a nap? i'm tired."

"you don't need my permission," ashton sighed,"but go ahead."

harry walked over to his bed, and laid down on it,"a nap doesn't seem like too bad of an idea."

"i agree," louis said, closing his drawer and walking over to his ladder,"night, lads."

"night," ashton mumbled, and so did calum.

harry; however, didn't say anything, all he could do was look up louis' skirt as he climbed up to his bed.

this is gonna be a fun summer, he thought.

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