{6} Nim & Nike

Depuis le début

"Now that everyone is going to know that we're mates, does that mean that you're uh...." He starts going off track, and I'm starting to think of the worst.

"I'm what?" I press, feeling nervous about what he has to say now.

"My girl?" He spills, and I feel weight lifted off my shoulders. I thought he was going to ask something much more awkward.

"I'll always be your girl." I place my hand on his.

I'm glad that he asked the question though, because I wasn't sure what to call him from a mundane perspective. There is more to having a mate, it doesn't always mean that you're automatically in a relationship. So I guess he'd be my boyfriend, from now on.

"Cool," He says casually, with a big smirk on his face. "My girl." He looks satisfied with himself.

When lunch time came, I was surprised to see people actually talking to him. Sure, everyone was spreading horrible things about him, but at least people acknowledged him. And it wasn't as horrible as the rumors were, people wanted to be around him. Probably to see what the fuss is all about. 

I caught Ares at socializing in the hallways with Liam Isaacs, Miles Young and Kyle Tonks. He stands with one bag strap on his shoulder, smiling and laughing with the other werewolf boys. I sneak into their circle by wrapping my arms around Ares' waist. He automatically puts his arm around me and I let go of him.

"Hey, you." Ares looks down on me with our huge height difference. 5'4 and 6'2 makes it easy to hug him, but hard to kiss him.

"Hey, man." I say casually and then slowly greet the boys around me. "Liam, Miles, Tonks." I nod at all of them, and Kyle gives me a friendly glare.

"Trent." He shoots back. Ever since I first met Kyle, I've referred to him by his last name. It's a fun thing we've done since diapers. We've always had a childish rivalry.

"Hey, Rori." Liam smiles widely. Liam is one of Ash's good friends. It's never a surprise for me to see him at my house, because if Ash doesn't have Angel over it'll be Liam. 

"Hey Liam," He gives me a cheesy smile, his chubby cheeks hiding his eyes. "What are you guys up to?" I ask, looking at all of them.

"Well I was just inviting Ares to my party on Friday night." Miles says, with his hands in his pockets. Miles comes from an Asian culture and is half werewolf, half dragon. The dude can literally breathe fire. "And you of course, that is, if you'd like to come?"

I shrugged my shoulders and looked up at Ares, waiting for him to make the decision. I don't mind going to parties as long as they're not hosted by Monica. Her petty drinking games go from seven minutes in heaven to seven hours in heaven. 

Ares looks down at me with the same look I'm giving him, like he wants to make the decision.

"What?" We both say at the same time questioning each other.

"You chose," We say again as if our conversation has been scripted.

"Okay, we'll be there." It was freaky how we were able to say the exact same thing at the same time, it felt like singing to a song and getting all the lyrics right.

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