Chapter 3

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Vanessa's POV

I quickly finish writing my notes down and look up to see a lot of people still writing and I smile at myself for it.
"Vanessa please come here since you are done so early" The teacher asked.
"Why of couse Mr. Belton" I say with a smile walking to the front of the class.
"Vanessa, Since you are my best student I have appointed you as a tutor to someone in this classroom. I hope you know him, He is-" he was cut off by the door slamming shut as no other then Louis Folton walked in.
"Well, Glad for you to join us Mr. Folton" Mr. Belton says. I was glad to have the honor of being the only one he called by the first name.
"Sir, Who did you say I was tutoring?" I ask, gripping my book in my hand. Yes I have a book in my hand. The Mortal Instruments. I have City of Bones but I have atleast read the series 10 times!
"Well, No other then Mr. Folton himself" Mr. Belton said to me. I dropped my book, I landing on the ground with a loud thump, frozen with shock, my mouth slightly open, my eyes wide like an owl's.
"There m-must be a mistake sir..." I say.
"No mistake" he says then points to my desk. I nod and walk my way to my desk. The next thing I know is that he is talking to Louis and I earn a glare from no other then Louis himself. Oh god help me.

Then the bell rang.....

How was it!?!? Good? Bad? Ik I promised longer chapters and they will come soon I promise! After I'm done with my finals!! Bye lovelies!!

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