Chapter 20

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Damien's POV
I was walking down the street when i came across a pond with a bench and decided to take a seat. Its been a long day and Vanessa is not answering her phone. Its very unusual for her not to answer since her phone is usually glued to her hand. I guess I'm just being paranoid about the whole issue. I haven't even seen her in 3 days. This is a problem. But she is perfectly fine! She has to be! Who would want to hurt her? She is a sweet little angel who wouldn't even kill a ant. I guess im just over thinking the issue. Maybe her mom took her to their lake house and she doesnt have her phone. Yeah, lets go with that....
Louis' POV
Okay, where the fuck is she? She hasnt been answering my phone for the past 3 days and its starting to tick me off.
I walk up Vanessa's driveway and knock on the door. I wait for a good 4 minutes and then the door opens. I see her mother and smile.
"Hello Ms. Golden, i was wondering if Vanessa recently?" I ask in the nicest voice i could possibly use.
"I thought she was with you or damien!" Her mom said franticly.
"She isnt with me so she must be with damien..." I say as i pull out my phone and call damien. Of course i have his number. He has been hanging out with My Property!
"Hello?" I hear a depressed damien on the other line.
"Please tell me Vanessa is with you." I say trying to stay calm.
"I thought she was with her mom" he said.
"Umm check again!! She has been gone for 3 days and her mother doesnt even know where the hell she is!" I begin to yell and and mouth sorry to Ms. Golden.
"Do you think they took her?" Damien says.
"I highly doubt charlie or brandon would take her. They know better than that" i growl.
"They are against both of us Louis. Think about it. They both grew a fond of her" damien growls back.
God damnit....
"Meet me at my house, Bring your guys. We have a mission to do." I bark to him.
"Yes sir" damien says.
I hang up the phone and look to Ms.Golden. "Dont worry, i will find your daughter even if its the last thing i do" i say and run all the way back to my house.
As i walk up my driveway Sam comes out to me.
"They are all in the meeting room" he says to me,looking very serious for once. I nod and make my way to that room. I take off my hoodie and fix my sleeves and open the door, i go over to my seat and sit down and look at my gang. My eyes land in damien and i point to the seat next to me, meaning he is the second in command.
"Lets find Vanessa"

You like? I know i do! What happened to Vanessa?!?!? The world may never knowww!! Actually, you will find out in the next chapter so Bye lovelies!!!

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