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I walked into the doors of my new school and felt really nervous. I started to walk to the locker that was mine. I went on with my own business until the bell rang. .

I stood in the door way as the teacher looked at me. "Good morning miss. Hearfillia. Take a seat anywhere you like." He said. A pinkadette shot a look at me and growled glaring at me. I simply sat in the back of the class. I don't know what his problem is.


Something was thrown at me from in front of me. I looked at the paper as it read ' are you Lucy Heartfillia' it said. I look up at the pink head looking at me. I nodded slowly looking a bit confused, he growled and mumbled something.

I looked away and shook my head trying to pay attention to the teacher.

♡after school♡

I started walking home.

*ring ring*

I looked and saw my mom was calling. I answered it "hey mom"
'Lucy. We have made an arrengment for you to get married!'

I dropped my phone nearly breaking it. I picked it back up "WHAT?!"
'One of my Old friends son goes to your school and we thought it would be a great idea!'
"Mom! Bu--"
'We shall talk to you about it later as we meet with them.'
She hung up.

I sighed angrily. "This better be a nice guy..." I mummbled.

♡later again♡

I look at my parents who looked at me like a little baby. "My little lucy is going to be a bride!" My mom screeched. I look down and shake my head. "Now they will be here any minute get ready" my dad said smiling.

I walked into my room and put my hair up in a bun and look at Virgo one of our maids. "It will be okay miss. Hearfillia." She said fixing my shirt.

I heard the door bell ring. I jumped a little and hid behind Virgo. "Ma'am. They are here." She said dragging me out of my room. I tried to stand my ground my I fell down the stairs.

My mother looked at me "Oh dear Lucy. How did you manage to do that." She said. I looked at Virgo but didn't want her getting into any trouble. "I just tripped on the carpet. That's all" I said scratching the back of my head.

I caught my eye on the pinkadette, I quickly got up and brushed myself off. My dad coughed about to speak up "my dear Lucy. This is the Dragoneel family." He said smiling.
I looked away "very nice to meet you..." I said mumbling.

Loke came out from the kitchen. "Dinner is served Mrs. Hearfillia." He said then noticing I wasn't happy. Loke pulled me off to the side while everyone entered the dinning hall. "Is everything alright Lucy?" He asked. "Yeah. Just a little upset I have to marry some weirdo I don't even know..." I said rubbing my arm. He gave me a pat on the back trying to comfort me. "It's going to be alright lucy." He said smiling. I nodded and walked into the dinning hall.

I sat down in an empty seat next to my dad but vertically from pink head. "Oh. I never introduced my son to you Miss! This is Natsu Dragoneel" Mrs. Dragoneel said smiling.

I nodded and looked away from everyone. "Lucy. You and Natsu shall be wedded Wensday." My dad said. I looked at him standing up. "WHAT?!? THAT'S 2 DAYS FROM NOW I CANT DO THAT!!" I yelled at him.

Natsu looked shocked, his parents did too. Loke came behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders calming me down. "Lucy Savanna Hearfillia. Calm down" my mom said. My face turned a bright red of embarrassment. Natsu snickered and looked at me. Loke tapped on my shoulder and leaned down by my ear.

"Lucy, it is not a good idea to yell in front of his parents" he whispered so only I could hear. I nodded and looked down "pardon me for my loud outburt. It was truly rude of me..." I said keeping my eyes on feet.

"How about you and Natsu go into the other room while us adults think out your wedding." My mom said patting my head.

I got up and took Natsu out to the front meeting room. "How am I going to get out of this..." I said sitting down laying my head on the table. Natsu sat in the other chair and looked at me.

I stood up and looked outside the window worrying. Virgo came in and looked at me. "Is everything alright Lucy?" She asked tilting her head. I nodded and looked at her. Virgo nodded and walked out. I shook my head and looked at Natsu.

Natsu looked at me then looked away. "We have to figure out some way to get out of this..." he said and looked down at the table.

I sat back down and I ran my fingers through my hair. "We could act as if we liked eachother and when we are aren't around them we are just friends" he said. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah..." I said standing up and opened the door to see Loke standing there reaching for the door nob. "Lucy. Your parents would like to speak to you in private." He said his glasses dim.

I walk into the room with my parents and his parents. Virgo was holding a line of dresses, brides dresses. I looked at her and blushed. "YOUR NOT MAKING ME WEAR THOSE"

♡after hours of dresses♡

I walked up the stairs to my room after the Dragoneel's left. I plopped myself on my bed and covered my face with pillows. "Ugh.... I don't want to marry him." I groaned. Virgo was standing next to my bed fixing up the sheets

"Don't be afraid. Just go with it. That's what I do whenever I'm told to do something odd." She said picking up a bottle from the floor.

"Maybe your right Virgo....maybe..."

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