Chapter Five: Story Time.. With Friends

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Chapter Five: Story Time.. With friends

"Well. . . it all started with a man born in Osaka, Japan into a ninja clan called the Hamatos. Hamato Yoshi was his name. And he enrolled into a martial arts school before he could inherit his fathers role as clan leader." Splinter had began only to be interrupted by Mikey.

"That was you! Right, Sensei?" Mikey beams.

"Yes, Michaelangelo. Now let me continue," Splinter laughs, "His skills were envied by a fellow student whose name was Oroju Saki, his adoptive brother whom was from a wiped out rival clan, the Foot."

I gasp a little, "You mean the Foot Clan that's out and about right now?"

"Yes. Now, not only were these two brothers rivals in Martial Arts but they were also rivals for a beautiful woman, Tang Shen who did choose to marry Yoshi. Saki didn't want to accept it and insulted Yoshi in front of her. It was in that moment that Saki's hatred for Yoshi was solidified. Yoshi lost his temper and struck him to the ground. Saki vowed revenge.

During that time, he learned about his true heritage and rebuilt the Foot clan and started calling himself 'The Shredder'. He came to Yoshi's home one night and challenged him a duel to the death while armed with razor sharp claw weapons, the ones I'm sure he still has today.

During the fight, a fire broke out and Yoshi's home was burned to the ground. His wife perished somewhere in the flames. He never knew the fate of his baby daughter Miwa. Her body was never recovered.

Yoshi made his way to America and attempted to make a new life in New York City. One day, out of loneliness, he visited a pet store and purchased four baby turtles." Mikey piped up after he heard this.

"That was us?!" He cheers pointing at his brothers and himself.

"Pay attention!" Splinter backhands him using his tail. I find myself laughing for the first time since becoming half cat. I calm down and smile, looking back at Splinter with complete focus and curiosity.

Raph scoots closer to Mikey, causing him to shut up and for Splinter to continue:

"On Yoshi's walk home with the four baby turtles, he bumped into a man who he thought was strange and decided to follow him out of curiousity. He followed the man into an alley and overheard a conversation between the strange man and another strange man, both who looked exactly the same. One of the men was holding a mysterious canister that contained a glowing blue liquid. As Yoshi crept closer, his foot scared a rat and in turn caused the two weird looking men to spot him. Both of the men attacked Yoshi, attemping to end his life. Yoshi fought back, and broke the canister.

"The Mutagen spilled all over himself and the turtles." Splinter sighed, "And this is the outcome. My four turtles had mutated, and I mutated into a rat. I took the name of Splinter that day and then named all my sons after my four favorite artists."

Mikey started to clap, "I love this story."

Raph facepalms and shakes his head at Mikey's stupidity. I glance around at the four turtles and April. So that's why they are human sized. My curiosity begins to grow as I look at my best friend again.

"How'd you guys meet April?" I ask as I turn to look at Splinter again.

"That's another story for another time, Elexice." Splinter stands up. He glances at the four turtles and motions for them to come with him, "To the dojo; It's time for training."

They all groan and follow him out of the room, leaving April and I alone. I look at her as the boredom creeps up on me.

"Are you okay?" She asks me worriedly.

"Oh, I'm peachy." I laugh. I know all the information I've learned over the last 24 hours was a lot, but I truly felt okay with it all. I wasn't damaged if that's what she was wondering. "Are you okay? How come you never told me about them?"

"I couldn't. They need to be a secret. If anyone finds out about them... It'd just be really bad."

"Oh." I nod, understanding a bit more now that I've heard their origin story. I look at her, still feeling a bit sad that she didn't tell me any of this, "They're amazing. I don't know why you didn't trust me with a secret like this."

"I didn't think you could handle it." She answers honestly, more to herself than to me. 

"I am pretty sure I could've handled it." I bite into my pizza. I motion to myself, "You don't think that anyone would be after me because of this, right?"

"It's possible that someone could be. You remember The Shredder from Master Splinter's story?" She asks me seriously. My ears perk up as I take another bite of the pizza. 

"Mhm." I nod with my mouth full.

"Well, if he finds out there is a good chance that he will come after you. He probably even already knows." April says slowly enough for me to digest her words. I shiver at the thought of the evil man tracking me down.

"Oh... " I repeat, just as slowly.

"Well, I better get going. I have school tomorrow." She stands up after finishing her pizza, "Don't worry. You're safe as long as you're here."

"Thanks," I stand up as well and pull her into a hug, "For everything. For being my best friend, for finding me, for bringing me here, for finally opening up to me about where you disappear off to.. all of it."

"You're welcome." She whispers and pulls away. When she is gone I hear a few 'awhs' come from somewhere in the room.

I glance toward the kitchen and see Mikey in the archway. I laugh and roll my eyes as he walks down to me.

"Hey, Mikey." I grin as he plops down beside me. 

"Wanna play some video games with me? I'm bored." He whines playfully. He almost sounds like Jaxson. 

"Sure." I smile back. He stands back up and walks over to the TV. I watch him hook everything up then watch as he sits in front of it. He turns to look back at me and motions for me to come sit beside him. I stand up and move over to him. Once I'm comfortable, he hands me the second remote and begins the game.


I'm so sorry that this was short and stupid most likely! I was going to add a cliffhanger at the end, but I never did. I got in trouble because of some things and I haven't updated in forever because of Writers Block. Hope you enjoyed the update! I worked hard on it! I'll see y'all around and I'll update again, when I can.




New edit: HEY YALLL. I finally edited this chapter. Sorry it took so long, ive been so busy! I hope yall enjoy❤ please comment what you think! And dont forget to vote!!

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