Chp. 6 Forgiveness

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Mariah's P.O.V
I've been thinking about what mark said, and I can't help but feel bad for him and myself. I watched as mark was attacking Kane and X-pac. I knew it was the storyline so I when ever I talk to him I don't ask him about it. I seen him come from the arena to the back, but I hid so he wouldn't see me. I saw his eyes were puffy red. He'd been crying, but why?
Taker's P.O.V
I had been crying because I hadn't seen Mariah in over 2 weeks. I hadn't seen her anywhere. The only time I saw her was when she was in the ring. 'I hope she doesn't hate me, if she hated me I'd be shattered...but even if she doesn't I need to find her and talk to her' I thought to myself.
Mariah's P.O.V
I finally come to my senses as I went to Takers locker room. As I knocked, I heard a soft yet deep voice say "go away". "Its me, Mariah" I called to him as I then saw the knob of the door turn and open. I walked in as I then closed the door behind me. " to you", I said. "Sure, what is it". "Im sorry if you thought I hated you when you told me you burned your brother. I don't hate you, I just was in a state of shock. I just couldn't believe you did that. But you made a mistake and it's okay. I saw when Paul bearer was calling you a murderer, although I wasn't in the wwf at the time, I watched it. You're not a murderer taker, I know that. I forgive you, because I know you would never hurt anyone intentionally".
Takers P.O.V
What she said was very genuine. "Thanks Mariah, I accept your forgiveness", I said. She simply nodded and gave me a hug. I tensed up but hugged her back eventually.

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