==> Avarice, answer

16 1 0

-- mechanicalSnake [MS] started trolling mechanicalLlama [ML] --

MS: Hey, ssssisss.

ML: WhAt????

MS: Did Yumi  finally get the game out of Coal'ssss pessssky handssss?

ML: I don't ActuAlly know.

ML: I hAven't Asked her yet.

MS: We really sssshould get thissss over with, I really can't WAIT to play the game!

ML: SAme with me, but we'll hAve to wAit until All the copies of the gAme Are sent to All our friends, remember?

ML: You personAlly sAid thAt we should get As much people As possible to ensure sAfety.

MS: Yeah.

MS: I do remember.

MS: I'll go assssk Yumi if she hassss the game already.

-- mechanicalSnake [MS] ceased trolling mechanicalLlama [MA] --

==> MS: troll Yumi

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