/no strings attached/

Start from the beginning

Lauren cursed herself for being so selfish. She had been too caught up in her own problems to even think that there was another reason behind the younger girl's hostility.
From now on, Lauren was going to do everything she could to gain her trust. Camila needed to know that Lauren would never hurt her like Ariana did, maybe then she'd give them a chance.

"Are you drunk?" Lauren said suddenly, causing Dinah to look at her confused.

"I mean can you drive?" The green eyed girl elaborated, and Dinah quickly understood

"Did she leave?" She said, scanning the room behind her

Lauren just nodded quickly. She didn't want to talk, she just wanted to find Camila.

"Okay, let's go little one" Dinah said, ruffling Lauren's hair playfully, causing her to chuckle.

The two girls pushed through the crowd of people and out the front. Lauren scanned her surroundings and began to panic. Camila was nowhere to be seen.
Which means she was either walking home drunk or someone else had driven her. What if they tried to take advantage of her.

Lauren ran a hand through her hair, only now realizing how much she was shaking. Dinah noticed this and held both the younger girls' hands in her own.

"Stop. We'll find her okay? It's only been like 5 minutes, she can't have gone far"

Lauren nodded weakly, and Dinah pulled on her arm gently, gesturing for her to get into the car.

The two girls sat in silence most of the way, both of them concentrated on finding their friend. Lauren was scared Dinah was going to give up and go home. They had been driving around the same three blocks now for the past forty minutes.
Lauren stared out the window intently, scanning her surroundings for any sign of Camila.

They took a left onto a street they hadn't been down yet, Lauren didn't recognize it but she didn't question it. The street was dimly lit and Lauren furrowed her eyebrows, trying to adjust to the low lighting.

They were just about to turn around and go back the way they had came before Lauren spotted something in the corner of her eye. She only saw it for a second but she was sure it was her.

"Stop" she said suddenly, and Dinah hesitated for a few seconds, looking at the green eyed girl confused

"Stop Dinah" Lauren said more firmly this time, and Dinah pulled the car onto the side of the street.

Lauren jumped out the passenger side and began walking back to where she thought she'd seen Camila. She was right. Camila sat on the edge of the sidewalk with her knees pulled up to her chest, just staring.

Lauren didn't want to startle her, so she approached her slowly, trying to crane her neck to get a better view of her. Camila looked up briefly, only to look away again within seconds. Lauren could see that she had been crying.

Being careful not to cross any type of boundary, Lauren sat down a few inches away from the small Cuban girl.

Dinah hadn't left the car yet, and Lauren was grateful for that. She just really wanted to be alone with her right now.

They sat in silence like that for what felt like forever but in reality was probably only about ten minutes.
Lauren was the first to speak.

"I'm sorry" she said softly, and Camila raised her head slightly, furrowing her brows in confusion.
"I'm sorry if I made you feel like you had to do anything you didn't want to tonight. I'm sorry for always pushing myself on you when you clearly want space, I'm sorry for not being able to understand you better or be there for you when you're sad or put what I want to say into words"

Camila just stared at her for a few seconds, and Lauren sighed softly realizing she wasn't going to get a reply.

She stood up, brushing herself off and straightening out her jeans before offering a hand to Camila.

"Come on, you won't even remember this in the morning" she said, smiling softly at the younger girl.

Camila shook her head, averting her gaze to the floor, but Lauren craned her neck to meet her eyes, reaching her hand out again.

"no strings attached" she said, smirking, and she could swear she saw just the smallest hint of a smile trace Camila's lips.

The brown eyed girl took her hand, and Lauren couldn't help but smile at the contact that she had missed so much.
Lauren let go once Camila was up, but the younger girl grabbed onto her arm, smiling shyly.
She could already imagine the smirk on Dinah's face.

Once they were at the car, Lauren helped Camila in, making sure she was comfortable before going to close the door.

"wait" Camila spoke suddenly
"sit with me" she said softly, not meeting Lauren's eyes.

The older girl smiled, climbing into the back seat with her. Camila scooted closer, resting her head on her shoulder, still keeping their arms entwined.

Lauren wasn't sure how long the drive home was, but she hoped it would last forever.  

a/n HELLOOOO MY BABIES. what is this? an update???? what!????
I'm so sorry for being mia for so long, college started again and I've been even more busy than last year it's hell. I also said I would update on xmas eve but my house flooded and wifi was down forever and shiiii but yeah here it is! I didn't have time to write anything super long bc I have 39487 papers due in that I haven't done.
I'll try and update more often now that I've set out a schedule for studying and shit I should have more free time.
thanks for sticking with me.
I love you all aaaand as always stay safe kids and enjoy the rest of your day/night


twitter - tsnmicamren
ask - blazeitcabeYo

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