"I love you too, Kakashi." She rested on him as they both slowly drifted off into sleep as they found comfort in the other's body. 


The door slammed open. Sakura and Kakashi's eyes flew open. They both sat up ready to fight who ever had come into their room with out permission. In front of both of them stood the Hokage. 

"Good to see you both back together." She came to Sakura's side placing a hand on her stomach. She looked down intensely for a couple of seconds before looking back up at the couple's strained faces. She smiled back at them. "Both the babies are fine. Calm down both of you." Both of them instantly relaxed sitting against the back board on the bed. 

"Now Kakashi. You are going to be on the same thing as Sakura for a shorter amount of time though. You are going to be in the hospital for about a week or so. I think you should recover by then. Sakura on the other hand I hope has told you that she will be on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy." She patted the top of her student's head. "Though when you both go home I'll still send paperwork over for you to do. No student of mine will be a slacker." 

Sakura smiled up brightly at her teacher. Tsunade knew that the only way to keep Sakura happy while she was going to be stuck in the house was to make busy with something. Maybe she would ask some of the village mothers to teach her crocheting or knitting to keep her busy making baby blankets. A mundane task for a ninja of her skill and level, but anything to keep the young mother busy would be good. 

"Sakura should stay with you in the hospital for a week and then you both can get out. I want Kakashi to take it easy at home for another week before returning to work." They both nodded to this happy news about a week vacation for the two of them at home, but a week in the hospital would not be amazing. Kakashi perked up a little remembering that he had left Naruto in the sand in charge. 

"Lady Tsunade, how is Naruto in the sand? Is he coming home?" There was some guilt in his voice. This was the second time he had left Naruto to complete a mission while running to aid Sakura. 

"Oh he is on his way home now. Gaara is doing well and the sand is returning to normal. Naruto seemed happy that he finished up another mission while he was in charge. I think he likes the trust you keep putting in him Kakashi. He's fine though." 

Kakashi visibly relaxed closing his eyes sighing. Sakura could see the smile forming behind his mask. He was happy that his student liked their new founded trust. Kakashi was also relieved that Naruto did not feel as though his Sensei was abandoning him. He did trust Naruto and he relied on him more that a Sensei should. 

"He's fine Kakashi. He thinks he is getting more responsibilities since he has matured." Sakura stroked Kakashi's arm lightly. "He's alright." Kakashi only nodded in response to Sakura's soothing words. 

"I'll be taking my leave now. Call the nurses if you need anything. Do not get up for anything, but going to the restroom! I mean it Sakura." She pointed toward her student with such intensity that scared Kakashi to the bone. Sakura only pouted unaffected by the Hokage's threats. Kakashi had to admit he had fallen for a tough woman to not be affected by the Hokage's death stare. 

When the door to the room slammed shut Kakashi pulled Sakura down into the bed so she way laying down on her side facing him again. Kakashi pulled down his mask to kissed her gently on the lips running his hand over her jaw line. Sakura loved the feeling of his hands after a mission. They were always rough showing his hard work. Kakashi started to kiss her cheek and started to work his way down her body. Kissing her neck softly and nipping at where it met her neck met her shoulders only making her giggle. He worked his way down further kissing each one of her breasts lightly only pausing to kiss each one of them again gripping them tightly. He pulled her shirt up reveal her now bulging stomach. He kissed it everywhere he could. Placing his hands on her stomach he laid his face against her feeling their children kicking around as if sensing their dad was nearby. 

Kakashi only smiled at this running his hands over her stomach gently in circles. Sakura just enjoying the moment stroked Kakashi's hair continuously. He quietly began to talk to his unborn children so softly that Sakura couldn't even make out what he was saying. 

"Some day both of you will be as strong as your mom. I hope both of you turn out just like her not like you're lazy dad. I try my best as a ninja, but sometimes I fall short. I hope that you both never have to experience the pain that I have felt in my lifetime or that your mother has felt. I hope you both have amazing lives. That's why I'm going to be here for you as long as I can be. I want to take care of you for as long as my life allows. I won't let you feel the pain I have. Thought the main thing here is how much I already love you. I love you so much and I never will stop." He told them how much he loved them for a couple more minutes before kissing her stomach a little more. 

There was a knock on the door again before a nurse walked in. Sakura wide eyed smiled nervously at the nurse as she saw Kakashi come up from under the blanket while he was pulling up his mask. Her face turned beet read as she bowed apologizing before leaving and slamming the door behind her. Sakura and Kakashi started laughing hysterically at all the things the nurse probably thought were going on underneath those covers. Wrapping their arms around each other the couple fell asleep.  


Two weeks had gone by like nothing and Kakashi was already back at work. It was the end of the first day of about two months and week of hell until the baby's due date. Bed rest was killing Sakura. She sat there in the bed staring at the wall for what felt like three hours for her, but when she looked at the clock it had been four minutes. When she saw this she flopped over in her bed in defeat. 

Kakashi had offered her books to read which she happily took, but it was the Icha-Icha makeout series. She grabbed the book off of the night stand opening it. She read a couple of pages before her face turned bright red and she slammed the book shut. How could Kakashi read those and let alone in public?! He read those around her when she was younger!!!? She would have to make sure around their kids he kept those books for his private reading time and no where near them. 

The rest of the day consisted of her flopping around on the bed laying vertically, horizontally, half on the bed half off it, on Kakashi's side snuggling into his scent, and finally she just ended up sitting there looking half crazed. How was she going to do two weeks and six days of this?! It was just now three o'clock. There were still so many hours left until even the end of this day. She was so bored. Painfully bored. How was she going to do this?

Though it was for the babies. She rested her hands on her stomach feeling them kick as if to give her encouragement. Sakura smiled down at her babies thinking about what they were going to be like. She hoped they were just like Kakashi and not cursed with her big forehead. Imagining her kids getting teased like her just rolled her stomach. She wanted these kids to feel loved and become amazing ninjas. If that meant she had to give up her sanity for two months, six days, and a couple more hours she would happily do it for them. 

Hearing the door open downstairs she heard a knock on her door. She yelling for them to open it expecting it would be Tsunade coming for her daily check ups, but what she got was even better. In through the door came Tsunade along with all the girls and Sakura's mom. Sakura almost started crying right there. Why were they all here?

"Starting today we all have a new mission. Everyday we are taking turns staying with you Sakura. We'll make sure you stay occupied while you're on bed rest." Tsunade said this smiling at her widely. All the girls were smiling along with her. 

The all crowded around the girl asking her how the babies were doing and herself. Later on she even had the boys come visit her. Lee and Naruto came over for a couple of hours before heading out around nine. The girls all stayed though gossiping and talking about their life together until almost eleven o'clock at night. Sakura slowly started to fall asleep as conversation continued. Sakura's mom shook her shoulder lightly.

"Ino will be back tomorrow. We love you darling get some rest." Sakura's mom kissed her on the forehead before laying her down in the bed. 

"I also left you paperwork on the dresser. It's due tomorrow." Tsunade reminded the girl before she closed the door to her bedroom. 

Sakura drifted off to sleep thinking how lucky she was that her friends cared so much. Sakura only woke up one time during the night and it was to a silver haired man coming into bed with her running his rough hands over her stomach and face. Smiling she drifted off again feeling so lucky for all the love she  received in her life. 

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