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A U T H O R 'S N O T E

This is my new story, Undeniable. I know I haven't finished my first story yet, but I wrote a few parts to this story a few days ago and I just can't get it out of my head. I need to get it out. The chapters will consist of short dialogues between the two main characters. The normal words are what Jace, the guy, says, the italic words are what Chris, the girl, says.

I'll be updating once or twice a day, six days a week. On sundays, I'm not online and I won't ever be on a sunday. I hope you all are going to like this short story...

S T A T U S : ongoing

C O V E R : by me

S T A R T E D : January 11th 2016

F I N I S H E D : March 10th 2016



You can live your whole

life not realizing that what you're

looking for is right in front of you.

- David Nicholls


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