chapter 3 new years eve

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idon't own RWBY "if i did yang wouldn't have been framed FOR SOMETHING SHE DIDN'T DO!!! actually maby but I wouldn't have done it until like season 5 maby 6 or 7 but not as early as season 3" any way rooster teeth owns rwby

Yangs pov
"Hey yang I had an idea for new years eve " "what is it rubes" I said curiously "I was wondering if we could - " I put my hand up to make her stop " ok I'm gonna stop you right there tell me your not thinking about going around town stealing people's cookies again?" " Well not anymore " she said sadly "actually I have an idea for tonight "said Weiss with an evil grin "three words " " oh no" "oh not again "said Blake "um ..oh god um i... no " said ruby realizing what it meant " it's truth or dare" " no we're not playing that ever again ever you hear me Weiss never!"I yelled "oh come on it won't get out of hand like last time " "it's truth or dare it always gets out of hand !" " but I never get to pick what we do pls ruby tell them "Weiss said inocently and ruby felt bad damn my sister for having soft heart I said to my self "oh fine I'll try "said ruby and turned to me and Blake and used one technique that she always gets away with " no ruby not the pouty face " she didn't listen " pls let us play truth or dare with us sis " "Blake stay strong " " I'm sorry yang I cant..." she broke and ran at ruby and started to hug her adoringly " pls sis pls " oh no I was breaking it was like holding back emotions for jaune witch means I couldn't anymore "ok ok fine we'll play truth or dare " "yay ! " said ruby and Weiss "ok um I'm going to go ask TEAM JNPR if they want to join us " "wait what i..." Weiss turned and looked at me with a questioning look " I'mean let me go " "ok um I guess I'll ask CFVY if they want to join too " and she left and I ran to JNPR'S room and knocked on the door and jaune opened the door and I ran inside and every one stared at me "yang what's up -" I put a hand to his mouth to hold it shut" shh!!!! They'll hear you!" I said in a whispered voice "ok what's happening "jaune whispered " it's really really really bad " "yang what happened "asked pyrrah "it's truth or dare it's tonight " "wow that sounds like fun" whispered Nora " it's not the last time we played I was drunk for a whole month and the day after we all woke up naked and everyone was staring at us in town and I only had my scarf and ruby had her cape and Blake her bow and Weiss had nothing but her hair " " wow so I take it that you guys went a little crazy playing it" said ren "that's why I'm over here Weiss wants you guy's to play with us" " ok well I guess we decline? " "no you can't If you do I suffer for it in the game and knowing Weiss she's going to have it in for me " " ok well hold on let's have A team meeting really quick "

Jaune's pov

"OK so what do you guys think"
" I think we can handle it "
"I like the idea It sounds fun I wonder if there's gonna be beer no vodka no burban on the other hand I'm good with just a beer"
" it might be fun I mean I don't think it's gonna be that bad "
" ok so we all agree " " yup "
"Yang we've decided to join you" " thanks guys " " anytime " said pyrrah

Time Skip

We all got ready for what seemed to sound like a very long long night after we go ready we walked over to team RWBY ' S room and I knocked on the door

Time Skip the game starts

I sat next to pyrrah and yang yang sat next to coco coco Sat next to velvet and she sat next to ruby and she sat next to Weiss and she sat next to yatsuhashi and he sat next to fox and he sat next to Neptune he sat next to sun and sun sat next to Blake and ren next then Nora and Nora next to pyrrah

We spun a bottle and it landed on pyrrah "pyrrah is up first"
"Alright um Nora truth or dare ? " " truth wait no dare wait no truth" " who do you like?" "Um I uh I guess re..n but we're not together together unless he wants to be together together. " " ok um let's see ohh I know Weiss truth or dare " "dare " "I dare you to chug a whole bottle of vodka till its empty " she got up and grabbed a bottle of vodka and drank it all and a couple of seconds later it was gone we all looked suprized then she burped
" excuse me " she said holding a napkin to her mouth Neptune then yell out histarically "I LOVE YOU !!!" WE all widened our eyes "ok hmm jaune truth or dare " "truth " "alright have you ever kissed anyone " um " "Yeah vomit boy have you " yang said " " uh yes " " who? " " hey only one truth for each turn " " Hmm I guess that's fair" this is going to be a long night

How was that for an chapter
Next Time you get the confession

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