Chapter I: And Begin

Start from the beginning

I must have made quite a toll on him, she thought as she smirked. Andriod glanced up at her and saw her smirk, which caused his own to quirk up in his own evil smirk, "Like something you see, darlin'?" he asked her in a fake British accent, raising his eyebrow. She chuckled at him before answering, "Oh, yes," she looked him up and down again, grinning, "I sure do."

He looked at her, confused. Glancing down at himself, he finally caught on to what she meant. He scowled down at her and set his phone back in his pocket. "Hey, why don't you clean yourself up before your bosses arrive or something?" Xotichl said smugly, "I highly doubt they'd enjoy seeing Mr. Minion numba' 2 all in the wrecks, you know what I mean?"

"Excuse me? Who are you calling Mr. Minion number 2? I'm no minion! What are you talking about?" Andriod face contorted to what Xotichl considered his 'puzzled' expression. Xotichl giggled, this was getting kind of funny now, "Oh, you know exactly what I mean." She shifted in the chair as best she could, being bound and all doesn't let you move much sadly.

He relaxed for a second, coming to an understanding before he stood up and kicked the chair away from him, "I'm not a second fiddle! If anything, I should be Mr Boss! Or at least Mr Minion number 1!" he yelled, stomping around her chair annoyed.

"Well if you should be, then why don't you prove it to them then, eh? Go wash up, it's not like I'm going anywhere." She enquired, raising an eyebrow.

He nodded slowly, considering what she said yet eyed her warily at her last statement. After five minutes of quiet thinking, Andriod looked directly at Xotichl and frowned at her, "How did you know the boss' were coming down to at all? Let alone to talk to─?"

"Habit," she interrupted, shrugging nonchalantly, "done this plenty of times. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" She winked at him.

He stared at her, she could tell he was debating with himself wither to stay or leave. He must have chosen the latter as he bent down and snatched the knife he left lying on the floor, and stuffed it in his belt. He eyed her warily again, then spun around and trudged through the small shed wood door.

Typical. She rolled her eyes as he retreated through the door. Mr. Minion, what a laugh! Sucker, she thought, now, to get to work.

By the time Andriod came back-- a long while later-- all scrubbed clean and wrapped up, Xotichl could already see herself walking out that exact door unscathed. All she had to do was break through the chains, get him out of the way and put him in her place, and dim the lights. First course of action, she contemplated, get off this chair. It's really giving me a sore ass.

Andriod walked up in front of Xotichl, the dangling lamp light making his still wet hair glow almost pristine white. Shame it's not gonna last much longer, she thought. She inhaled a long, deep breath, readying herself. Here we go.

She concentrated on the water in his hair, glad he didn't towel it off. With her right index finger, she started to twitch it from left to right and the water began to evaporate from his hair. It started to take form into a ball above his head and as it grew, Andriod shook his head as if to try and shake the water out. When he realized nothing was coming out, he frowned and touched the top of his head and pulled his hand back down, only to see it was completely dry. His frown deepened and he looked up to see the ball of water stretch until it reached Xotichl fingertips. His mouth gapped open as he saw what was happening before his eyes.

Xotichl started to twitch both of her index fingers at the same time, the water beginning to slash into the chains. They cut deep rivers in the metal, until it snapped completely. The water traveled faster and faster, starting with her wrists, then her torso, and finally her legs. With the chains on her wrists loosening, she pulled them free and began to make a sort of stroking movement, causing the water to move faster and start slashing the metal deeper until all the rest of the chains fell off her body. The clattering of metal on cement boomed through the room. She stood up and rubbed her wrists then fixing her black tights. She looked up to a stunned Andriod, and smirked at him. Her smirk seemed to take him out of his trance, and he lunged for her.

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