Just For This Moment

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"Does she ever talk? I don't think she has talked once since school started." It was the same thing. No matter how much I hid in the corners of rooms, no matter how silent I was, someone seemed to notice me. Maybe it was my sun kissed skin, or maybe it was my blonde hair with that one red streak.

"I heard that she is even shy around her family." It was just like high school all over again for me. Even though I was 19 and in college everyone still thought me weird. No one knew the truth though. The first rule of being a werewolf was not to let humans know that we live among them. Humans thought the monsters were just fairy tales. I thought that being shy would help keep that secret.

"You know that they won't stop talking like that until you open up." My wolf, Evey, chirped. Often when she said things like this I ignored her. Because it was a work period it was easy to ignore her by putting in my ear buds. Right away my favorite song came on. "As Long as You're Mine" from the musical Wicked.

The thing was that I am a ballerina and me and my partner have a dance in the works for this song. Since I was about five I've always thought in eight counts. In my head I saw the dance and felt it. I felt how me and my partner moved in sync to the song and how his hands felt at the times we touched. Every time I did this my wolf growled. "What?"

"Mate wouldn't be happy with you thinking of another man's hands on you." I just scoffed at my foolish wolf. My partner was Adam, my packs alpha's son and I was the beta's daughter. We knew that we wouldn't be dance partners once we found our mates because mates are often over protective. "How many times do I have to tell you Evey? We don't have a mate."

"Yes we do Abigail and we would have found him if you actually left the house more than for school and to dance with Adam." Ouch. That hurt. Most wolfs find their mate by the time they are 18 but I haven't. "I do come out more than that Evey." The only thing my wolf did was scoff. "New moons don't count Abigail." We wolves could shift any time we wanted but I chose to shift on new moons. It was more privet and drew less attention to me.

I was often too shy to even talk to my family and pack. When meetings were held in my house I was invited to come down because I would most likely be the next beta but I didn't. My brother was two years younger than me but the Alpha family likes me more. I don't see how but maybe it's because me and Adam have been friends forever. My brother was also taught to be a beta in case my mate was in a different pack.

I was an English major but I also took some art classes. I had finished my paper for one of the classes I took so I was sketching on some paper. There was a beautiful ballerina dancing in a forest at the center of it with a faded out wolf in the background. My wolf. The wolf was blonde but had a red streak in its fur going through its eye. The only difference between my wolf and this one were the eyes. My eyes were a dull brown whereas this wolf had golden yellow eyes. I was never satisfied with how my wolf turned out in drawings. Wolves were supposed to be beautiful and graceful. Mine was just like me. Ugly unless dancing.

The ringing bell didn't phase me as I sat there with my ear buds in. I was always the last one to leave just to avoid people. My car was on the far side of campus but I got there in two minutes. Of course my father though chose now to mind link me.

"Just be aware there is a meeting going on right now." Great. There was no way I'm getting out of this.

The Alpha's Ballerina (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now