Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Eyelashes FAST!

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1. Castor oil

Amazingly, one of the best home remedies and tips on how to make your eyelashes grow longer is pure and simple, organic Castor oil. It can make your eyelashes ticker, stronger and make them grow faster. To avoid getting a thick mess in your eyes, apply Castor oil with a brush to your lashes and eyebrows when you go to bed and leave on, and it will moisturize and encourage growth naturally. Castor oil is also excellent for softening the lips, so if your lips are dry and chappy, don’t forget to dab what’s left on your fingers straight to your lips.

2. Vitamin E

Another trick on how to make your eyelashes grow longer is using Vitamin E. You know that vitamin E is good for treating blemishes on your skin, but did you know it will help your lashes to grow thicker too? Just break open a couple of vitamin E and apply it to your lashes with a brush to nourish them and thicken them up.

3. Natural oils

Natural oils can also help on how to make your eyelashes grow longer. You can moisturize your lashes with one of these natural oils: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, linen oil, sesame oil, rosehip oil, argan oil or burdock root oil. Just soak some oil (or oil blend) on a cotton wool ball and wipe over your lashes before you go to bed. Wash off in the morning and the natural oil will nourish, moisturize, improve the growth and keep your lashes strong and healthy.

4. Green Tea

Green tea can be used on your lashes as well. Make some green tea, let it cool and then swipe it over your lashes with some cotton wool. The caffeine and flavonoids, found in green tea will help maintain the growth of existing lashes and stimulate new growth too.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a wonderful home remedy that can be used for various purposes. If you want to nourish your eyelashes and make them grow, apply some fresh Aloe Vera gel straight to your lashes before going to bed, using a clean mascara wand, the same way as you apply mascara. Thanks to vitamins and powerful nutrients, Aloe Vera gel will improve the growth of your eyelashes and make them stronger.

6. Avoid using fake eyelashes

Another tip on how to make your eyelashes grow longer and thicker is – avoid fake lashes. Using fake lashes or eyelashes extensions might be a quick fix to the problem, but longer-term, it will only damage your lashes further. When you take them off you are likely to remove some of your real lashes as well, so it is best to avoid fake lashes altogether, or use them only when it’s absolutely necessary.

7. Remove all makeup at night

The longer your lashes are free from makeup, then the better they will grow. Always remove all your eye makeup at night time, to give your lashes a chance to breathe or, even better, remove it as soon as you get home.

Hope they were helpful !! Comment down bellow what you want to know about next!
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