Everyone starts walking in and I'm the last one in. As I walked through the doors cold air blasts my face. I look around the lobby, a giant golden room with chandlers people scurrying everywhere. It was just as amazing on the inside as it was on the outside. I look over to see Y/N enjoying herself as well. She was looking around the lobby with a huge smile on her face an eyes bright with joy.

Erza walks up to the check in desk and starts talking with the person behind the counter as we continue to look around the gigantic lobby. Gray walked up to Y/N with an almost proud smile, I saw him start talking to her and I felt myself get jelous even though I know they are related.

I begin to walk closer just so I can see what they are talking about, turns out it is about Y/N's mom, "So Rose has turned out fine. I always knew she would," Gray looked down at the floor and a small smile appeared on his face. I continued to walk closer, "Yeah she did. Though my father did walk out on us for Mom's half sister." Y/N looked at Gray, tears starting to fill her eyes.

Gray looked at Y/N and wrapped her in a tight hug.Once they let go Y/n turned around to look at me right in the eyes and I thought I could see a small blush, but I wasn't so sure.

"Hey Rogue." she said as plain as day.

"Hey..." I reply feeling bad that I evsdropped on their conversation, I never knew about Y/N's father walking out on her and her mom.

"You heard that didn't you?" her voice had a questioning tone to it but it was more like a statement.

"Yeah, I did, I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine. I meant to tell you but, that's just one of those things that aren't exactly natural." she chuckled a little bit at the end, trying to lighten the mood. I felt like I should have laughed with her but it didn't feel right so I decided against it.

"Okay we have our rooms!" Erza came up to us holding 3 cards for our rooms.

"Great! So who is sharing a room with who?" Natsu came up behind her a grin on his face with his hands behind his head.

"Well. Rogue and Sting are going to share a room," of course that was going to happen since Sting and I are the BEST of friends ever. I couldn't imagine anyone being closer than us, "then you and Gray are to share a room, and then last but not least in Y/N ,Wendy and I  will share a room.

"I don't want to share a room with ice princess over here!" Natsu said angrily after Erza finished. Erza turned around quickly glaring with demon like eyes, "I mean... Great!" Natsu finished nervously a fake smile plastered on his face.

"I thought so." Erza turned back around heading towards the elevators and started walking with all of her luggage.

"I think I'll take the stairs." I say turning the opposite direction towards the stairs.

"Me too." followed Sting and after that came Natsu with Wendy, "Yeah we think we'll go with Sting and Rogue."

Sting, Natsu, Wendy and  I followed by our exceeds all filed up the stairs not risking the elevator, "What floor are we on?" I ask Sting who had our room key.

"We are on floor 3." Sting replied quickly as we continued our climb up the stairs.

2nd floor.

3rd floor.

We opened the door and stepped out to see the other waiting outside their rooms. There was another door inbetweeen the two rooms where they were standing at which I took as a sign that is was my room along with Sting.

I let Sting walk up to the door and swipe the key as we walk in we are greeted with a giant room with two king beds and a giant bathroom. We both set our bags down and claim a bed laying down on it.

"Hey, Rogue?" Sting asked me quietly, scaring me.

"Yes Sting?" I say turning my head to face him looking at the ceiling.

"How is your thing with Y/N going?" He turned my direction and faced me with a smirk and almost evil eyes.

"I don't know. I want to say it's going well but I would be lying. I don't think she likes me." I look over at the window to see snow. Pure white and...beautiful? Wait... snow? Sure enough it was snowing in the middle of August.

"It's okay-"

"Sting look at this." I interrupted him getting up and walking to the window.

"What is it?" He walked over to the window next to me and froze, "Snow."

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