The Powerpuff Blokes

Start from the beginning

"I picked my movie," he laughs. Luke stands up and walks over to me, "Unfortunately, the beginning of it is seeming a bit G rated."

Glancing up, I frown, "I really do want to watch a movie, Luke."

"And we will, once you're on that couch with me."

"Do you usually cuddle with Andrew?" I ask.

With a smile, he nears me, "Definitely not. But for you, my Annie, I'll make an exception."

Even though for the most part, my cramps have settled down, I don't want to do anything that might trigger them. Especially cuddling with someone like Luke, who can easily make me get more butterflies than I can handle from just touching me.

Those kinds of feels plus cramps, don't mix. Like, at all.

Leaning down, his hand wraps around my wrist and he gently tugs, "Come on, Annie. Lay with me?"

"No," I say.

He settles down on his knees, nudges his head against my hip and rests it in my lap. His blue eyes are so clear and pretty, and I want to reach out and run my fingers through the soft-looking wisps of hair that rests on his forehead, but instead, I look at the TV again. He groans. "I am completely comfortable with begging if that's what you want me to do."

I laugh quietly, "Um, I don't want you to beg at all. I just want you to pick a movie."

"Alright, give me the remote."

As soon as I hand it to him, I immediately regret it. With a smirk, Luke jumps up, backs up towards the couch and throws himself down; his long arms spread over the back. "Looks like you're just gonna have to come and get it, huh Annie?"

"Luke, why are you such a child?"

He reaches out to me, and with slight irritation that he's making such a big deal out of this, I grab my blanket and stand up, moving over to the couch and willingly into his arms; allowing him to pull me down into an embrace. He smells of Tide-clean laundry, my bodywash, and Luke—the most calming and intoxicating scent I've ever endured.

"Now, that wasn't so hard was it?" Luke whispers, his nose in my hair. Shifting, he gently pulls me back against him so that my body is resting in between his long legs, and he pillows my head on chest, "Wanna know what I just realized?"

"That you're an annoying pest?" Even as I say it, I don't really mean it.

He laughs, "Nope. I noticed that we're gonna be going to the same school next year."

"Wow," I murmur sarcastically, "That sounds just ... pleasant."

"It will be," His shirt is warm and soft against my cheek, and when I curl my toes at the bottom of my blanket they brush against his calf. "We can be locker buddies, and and we can ride to school together, and oh -- you can meet my friend."

I laugh, "The fact that friend is singular is hilarious."

Arms tighten purposely around me, and his cheek nudges my temple, "Hey, he's cool."

"I'm sure." With a laugh, I go to take the remote from him. Only, he draws his hand back. "Ugh, what now, Luke?"

"Tell me the magic word?"


Holding my hand out, I wait for him to hand it over but he laughs, shaking his head, "That's not it."

"What do you mean, that's not the magic word? That's everyone's magic word."

"Not mine."

I roll my eyes, "Stop being annoying."

The Stepbrother // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now