Chapter 27- Dirty Tricks

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"Why can't I go?" I pressed for the tenth time in five minutes.

"It's too dangerous," Gideon finished putting on his gloves.

"No," I started to argue.

"Besides," Gideon wrapped his arms around me, "if you don't watch over us, we're screwed."

"It can't be that hard," I shook my head. "Irons isn't expecting you to be there. The shot will be easy and the guard count will be low. I also want to take the bastard out myself."

Gideon smirked to my vengeful attitude. "I know you want to, but-"

"Am I interrupting anything?" Mitchell's sour voice made us pull apart.

"No," I shook my head.

"We're heading out," Mitchell looked to Gideon.

After Mitchell turned to leave, I grabbed Gideon and pulled him into a rough kiss. Gideon kissed back for a few seconds and then pulled away as I did.

"Let him suffer," I whispered and fixed Gideon's black hat playfully.

Gideon kissed my cheek and then followed Mitchell out of the control room. I stood with my hands clasped together limply.

My gaze was longing.


"Enemies approaching on your left," I stated calmly into the microphone.

On the camera feed in front of where I sat I watched as Mitchell peeked around the corner and then dropped one of the men. Gideon dropped the other within milliseconds.

"Approaching the target," Gideon spoke quietly, his voice slightly fuzzy.

"He's located in the main office," I scanned the map of the area, making a three dimensional human figure pop up, showing information on Irons.

"Eyes on target," Mitchell was crawling along the open rooftop, Gideon ahead of him a few feet. "Setting charges on now."

The ground suddenly rumbled beneath me, making the lights flicker. Gripping the desk tightly, I looked around cautiously. A shaky breath escaped me.

"Breach in the Southern corner," the computer made a screen pop up.

"Breach in the South," I breathed, typing quickly and putting the entire base on lock-down.

"What?" both Mitchell and Gideon hissed.

"We're under attack!" I spoke into the microphone that connected to all base speakers.

"Keona!" Mitchell spoke loudly.

"We have to kill him," Gideon said calmly. "He's controlling their decisions!"

"Wait!" I stopped the two men miles away.

Examining the security cameras, I noticed multiple figures making their way to the wall by the control room- where I currently sat. One of the figures was Irons.

"You see Irons right now?" I breathed.

"Yes!" Mitchell hissed.

"It's no-"

The wall was suddenly blown in and I blew back out of my chair. Rolling back behind a set of desks, I let out a hurtful groan. Blood trailed down my lip.

"Move in!" a soldier's voice yelled.

I breathed out and slid back against the desk, hiding from the intruders. Carefully taking out my phone, I dialed Gideon's number.

The Only Honor (Based on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare)Where stories live. Discover now