Author's Note

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Bullying is one of the most mass murder in this world today. I was cyberbullied too even bullied. I had low self esteem but luckily I got help. Some words in the chapters are caused by autocorrect. Autocorrect always ruined my day. Sorry.
Becareful what you say or posted on the Internet, it can go viral and it'll everywhere. Once it's out of the toothpaste, it can't go back in. You might lead someone to depression. Everyone is different and you can't change that. Don't be hateful to them even though they've might of been rude to you. Just leave them be. Fire with fire would burn the house down causing blazes to go out of control. Be respectful. If you are a bully, why are you doing this to them? It's wrong and it needs to stop. You don't want to get into trouble or deep trouble. I suggest if you got rude words under your tounge, keep it there. Once it's spilled, it can hurt others. Have a wonderful day my readers. ^_^

Diary Of A Bullied GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon