Death of Vanessa Kylis

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Her parents woke up from a loud thud in Vanessa's bedroom. They found out she stab right in the stomach. They found a suicide note and a goodbye note next to her even her diary.

Dear Anyone who reads this,
Everyone hates me so much.
They beat me up and make me feel so much.
I hate myself too.
They want me dead.
I am sick of breathing even though it's stopping. My heart is breaking stopping itself from beating.
I am blinded by loneliness, hatred, fear, anger, and darkness that I can't escape.
I scream but I can't get out. Silent scream and cry where no one can here me. Ocean of pain and emotions. I want to die. They want me to die. They got their wish.
Goodbye; mom and dad, I can't see reality anymore. I'm gone.

Vanessa Kylis was rushed to the hospital and fell into the coma. She died three days later. The parents sued the school. They won 20 thousand dollars. They also told the truth that they abused Vanessa a bit but realizing discovering it was wrong. Nelson went to jail. Cops found the bully who spread the rumour around named Vara. She was arrested and fined. Due to parent ' s honesty, police didn't charge them. Kids who are bullied, you're not alone. We care about you. People who witness bullying in front of your eyes, seek an adult immediately. Online, report it or tell the authorities or school. It can lead to suicide, self harm, and depression. No one loves to be bullied. No one shouldn't hate anyone too.

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