One Viral Rumour

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Dear Diary,

No one dare to sit me at school today. A rumour went around the whole school. It was also posted on the Internet on Facebook. "Vanessa Kylis slept with boys drunk last night." The poster names was ominous, it's name was blurred. I can't read it. It was also a video about it. I didn't do anything like this. They were all actors; people fall for that instantly. I wrote down everything they said during the video.

Fake reporter actor: News flash! A woman named Vanessa Kylis slept with boys while she was drunk last night! We've checked one of the boys out.
Fake camrecorder: Hey, Devin, how about Vanessa Kylis last night?
Devin (fake actor): She was wasted of her mind last night. She picked up me and my friends on the street. Took me to her house and she forced us to sleep with her.
Fake camrecorder: How does it feel?
Devin(fake actor): Gross, I thought she's going to r*pe all of us for a second because she locked her bedroom, so there was no escape. We've waited until morning for her until she unlocks her room. We've escaped. Vanessa was cussing and swearing until we have ran as fast as we can.
Then it flashback to the fake news reporter.
Fake reporter actor: After the break, we'll be talking about the weather forcast, stay tuned.
Then the video flash back. The video was over.

I've didn't pay attention to the comments I've typed: This is fake! I didn't slept with any boy last night! I was mostly watching YouTube videos until I went to bed. See his blurry name, he doesn't want to get reported. All news that we know of goes on TV. Facebook is false sometimes, don't trust it.

I've log out of Facebook and went to bed.

Sincerely, Vanessa

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