Looking for the Enemy

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Sirus's POV:

   When I got to my motel room I started thinking of my plan and how to make sure I succeed. I went through a lot of different ways and thought all of them were too suspicious.It will be hard with the three well known enemy's looking for specific things for people in their army, but I am pretty confident I can convince them. These three are very dangerous and the only reason I want to be apart of their army is so I could tear it apart from the inside. The only problem is that I don't know where they are or when they will be here. 

   These three are very known in China and were thought to be in the most secure prison in China, but I know they have escaped. They are very smart and powerful, so if I am going to ask to join them it will have to look convincing. I decide that now would be a good time as any to go look for them now so I exited my room and check out. As I exit the motel I see Shifu with the others I saw at the noodle shop and it looked like there was more. They must be the other students at the Jade palace. 

   I started down the street toward the wilderness and while I walked I could feel the eyes of the tiger watching me.

Tigress's POV: 

   That snow leopard is suspicious, if he is the intruder he sure is hiding it good. We kept looking for anything suspicious but found nothing else. 

   We went to meet with the others to see if they found anything.

"Did you find anything?" asked Shifu.

"No master, there was nothing suspicious, what about you guy?" said Crane.

"There was this snow leopard that looked out of place, but when we confronted him he said he knew nothing about the intruder and that he got here late yesterday and went to motel and stayed there the rest of the day." I said.

While we were talking I saw the snow leopard come out of the motel and look over at us. He nodded his head as if to say hello and turned and started to walk toward the woods.

"Hey there he is right there, and he's walking out of the Valley of Peace, isn't that suspicious. I thought he said he was going to get familiar with the village and look for a house." I said, getting everyones attention. 

"Yeah, so why is he leaving?" Viper asked. 

"I don't know but we should follow him, just walking out of the village after saying he was going to walk around to get familiar with it just proves that he might be the intruder." said Master Shifu.

   We started to go in the direction of where Sirus went and followed him. 

Sirus's POV:

   I could tell they were following me. I needed to lose them, so I started to run going left and right through the woods and within an half hour I lost them. It was a good thing I am very familiar with this forest and knew spots I was sure they never knew about or I wouldn't of lost them. 

   I kept walking for a long time and I knew this was going to take at least a day or two. 

(time skip- two days later)

   Finally I made it. This has to be their lair. I start towards it and when I got there, I walked in.

Tigress's POV: 

   Dang it, we lost him. He knew he was being followed and ran. He was fast, he ran left to right making us lose track of him and finally in half an hour, we lost him. 

"Dang he is fast. He is way too suspicious. He has to be the intruder if he was acting as such a civilian in front of us and next running from us." said Viper.

"Definitely, we should not have let him go. We have to keep going though. We have to find him and get the stone back." said Master Shifu.

"How master, he could be anywhere by now?" Po asked.

"We'll just have to look very carefully for any clues of which way he went." said Master Shifu.

   We started looking and a hour later we only pick up one small clue.

   This is going to be a long journey.

The Unknown Student ( A Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction) (Tigress x OC) (DISCONTINUED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora