Chapter 8

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Why do I keep getting carried around like this? I can hold up my own body weight! You thought as you waited for the food to be served.


After dinner, I heard a slight knock on the door. "Oh, I forgot to tell you (Y/N). We are having an all day party tomorrow at the manor, and everyone around is invited. We have all of the rooms occupied, so since I need to take care of you, you will be sleeping in Ciels room...    although I hate for you to be with him alone.." Sebastian tells me, mumbling the last part so no one can hear it.

"Okay, let me change my clothes and I'll come out to hang." I responded thinking about what I should wear. I only have one shirt with me because before I came here the shirt was touching me while I was reading.

It was a black shirt with a chibi Sebastian and a cat that says 'Cats are great. They don't talk about useless things. Or do them.' I totally forgot I was even in Black Butler so I put it on without a second thought.

When I came down from the room into the room with their super old fashion TV (A/N: Yuperdoodles they have a TV) and all eyes were on me. I was wearing some shorts I found that were a little past my butt, but I didn't mind.

Everyone was looking me up and down, and Sebastian's face turned bright red as the other three tried to suppress their laughter. Alouis let out a little giggle and I looked down to see what happened.

I saw my shirt had Sebastian on it and I realized why Sebastian was blushing. Although I didn't think demons could show any emotion, Sebastian was surely embarrassed. "Oh I'm so sorry Sebastian, this is the only piece of clothing that came with me when I magically came here." I said sympathy showing on my face. "It's okay (Y/N)..." He mumbles.

Claude finally bursts out laughing causing Ciel and Alouis to do so also. I walked over to them and hit each of them on their heads. "It's rude to laugh. Trust me I have funny shirts of all of you too. I just happened to have Sebastian's with me." I said shutting them all up.

Their couch was small so Alouis, Claude, and Ciel were smushed up their while Sebastian sat in a separate chair. There was another chair, so I leaned forward towards Claude, pressing my chest up against his and whispered in his ear, "Move. To. The. Chair."

His face flushed up as he stood up and stood up to go sit in the other chair. There still wasn't much space on the couch, so I sat down in between Ciel and Alouis. I ended up one of my legs on each of theirs, so I wiggled my butt to sit fully on the couch.

I looked over at both of the boys to see them blushing at the closeness. I felt a little heat on rise up to my cheeks. "(Y/N), today is the day when we usually..." Claude says still flustered. "... Watch?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Yeah... Are you okay with that?" Ciel asks cautiously. "I guess. Yeah, go ahead." I responded, curious to see what it would be like. Alouis pressed play on the screen to watch the next episode. We watched the first show, which took about 30 minutes.

"Holy guacamole. That is exactly how that day happened."I stated still a bit shook up about what I just saw. Then a sharp pain comes to my head, sharp enough to bring my eyes to tears and my body on its knees. I grabbed my head as I fell off the couch and curled up in a Ball, tears streaming down m face. It hurt so bad.

"(Y/N)! Are you ok?!? (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/n)... (Y..." They all yelled. And that was the last I heard before everything went black.
Hey guys! It's 01/16/16! I just wanted you to let you know my new schedule is just going to be on Saturday's, not Monday's, because I need more time to write. I don't want to keep writing (N/N) because it's annoying. So I'll stick to just writing (Y/N). Comment how it was! Love you all!

💖~ Madi

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